Health Benefits of Honey and Lemon on Hair, Skin and Health


Health Benefits of Honey and Lemon on Hair, Skin and Health

Honey and lemon can massively improve and boost your immune system with its powerful antioxidant properties, due to their antibacterial agents it can also help lose weight and promote healthy skin and hair. This has been proven to be effective and it’s widely used from women, even celebrities who rely on all-natural beauty solutions. Cheap and effective.


Some of the benefits of honey and lemon are:

Lose Unwanted Pounds and Melt Belly Fat

It was widely accepted and scientifically proven that the antioxidant content of lemon breaks down fat cells and honey supplies your body with easy accessible energy that boosts your exercise abilities. As usual in the morning instead of drinking just a glass of water, you add a teaspoon of honey and a juice from half a lemon. This beverage will shrink your fat cells around your belly, even those you have tried and failed with many exercises, but still it’s more effective combined with exercises. This cocktail is tasty and beneficial.


Deal with Various Respiratory Problems

To deal with respiratory tract problems, take a glass of warm water with 2 teaspoons of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. This will loosen the thick phlegm and mucus making easier for this magic beverage to eliminate them. This beverage will make you be prepared for upcoming fall and winter and respiratory problems associated with it.


No More Dark Skin Tone

Another recipe is mixing equal amounts of lemon juice and honey to lighten your skin tone. This mixture should be applied on problematic areas for about 20-30 minutes. After rinse with some cold water to see a glowing difference. Honey has been used historically thousands of years ago for improving the skin problems because of it’s antioxidants which helps slow down the appearance of skin aging.


Honey and Lemon Perfect Pimple Buster

Mixing equal amounts honey and lemon into a paste and applying to the skin has been proved many times to be a great choice for eliminating pimples. This all due to the antibacterial and antioxidant properties of honey and lemon juice’s acidity that together prevent the skin from infection and damage. This can be successfully applied also for those who suffer from acne.


Boost immunity and Prevent Cold and Flu

Another recipe for preventing cold and flu:

  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 3 tablespoons of honey and lemon(3tbs each)
  • 2 slices of ginger

Bring 1/2 liter of water and boil, continue by adding 3 tablespoons of honey and lemon. Finish by throwing in 2 slices of ginger previously minced in the mixer. Allow boiling for a few minutes more and use it. Adding ginger in this recipe boosts your immunity even more. Vitamin C is essential for preventing cold and flu which is found in both, honey and lemon.


Cleanse the Digestive Tract

To relieve instant ulcer, hyperacidity and indigestion, drink a glass of water combined with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of squeezed lemon juice. This mixture with restore normal pH levels and cleanses excess toxins accumulated within you, which is also beneficial for purifying the digestive tract and keeping a healthy liver.


Antibacterial Properties for Wounds and Insect Bites

Applying the same mixture of honey and lemon in wounds and minor scratches will also kill of bacteria, prevent infections and assist speedy healing. This can also be applied on insect bites to stop itchy, stinging or burning sensations.


(bonus)Helps Stop Hair Fall

  • Take 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil and add the juice of half a lemon to it.
  • Apply this mixture on the hair once a week.
  • Follow this for 2-3 weeks to see results.


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