Healing Potion That Cures 100 Diseases. Do it Yourself

Healing Potion That Cures 100 Diseases. Do it Yourself

Everyone who cares about their health need to possess garlic potion. It is important to keep in mind that this potion does miracles for your health.

Besides, it is very useful for disposal of salts from the body, improves the body, cleans the blood, strengthens the immune system, blood vessels and the heart. Also removes extra fat and improves metabolism. It can be used to cure female diseases and inflammation, and to clean your body from harmful deposits.


Best of all about this drink is that you can make it yourself…

Method of preparation:

  • Take 12 cloves garlic, and cut every clove into four pieces. Put the garlic pieces in a glass jar.
  • Pour  a liter of wine over the garlic and close the jar.  Leave it on the window, to be on sunlight for 2 weeks.
  • Shake the jar two or three times daily.
  • After two weeks, strain the liquid and place it in a dark glass bottle.


Take one teaspoon of the miraculous garlic potion 3 times a day, for a month. After six months, the procedure can be repeated. The effects will amaze you!

Source: www.beextrahealthynow.com

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