Cinnamon Apple Chip Recipe for Your Heart, Brain, Blood Sugar and Waistline

Cinnamon Apple Chip Recipe for Your Heart, Brain, Blood Sugar and Waistline

Anyone ever had an extreme snacking urge at work in the afternoon? Extreme as in “the-vending-machine-ate-my-money-and-I’m-choosing-to-kick-it-until-it-gives-me-my-potato-chips”?Let’s just say I’ve had my less than graceful moments in life.

But work can do that to you sometimes. The stress of back-to-back meetings, not stopping to breathe and feeling overwhelmed can leave you turning to a muffin like it’s going to make your PPT presentation for you. Psst, it won’t. It’ll make you happy for two minutes, then frustrated that you ate it and trigger more cravings later on.

So for those with a sweet tooth, here’s an alternate snack to keep in your desk. It’ll satisfy the sweet craving without making you feel worse right afterwards. It has two ingredients, requires minimal prep, and a long cook time but you can just let the oven do it’s thang in the background while you watch a movie or do some other chores at home.

Baked Apple Chips



  • 2-3 apples
  • Cinnamon, as much as you’d like



  • Pick out a really sharp chef’s knife, a blunt one just won’t work
  • Slice apples as thinly as possible (so that the core, or a hole, is in the middle of each circular slice)
  • Preheat oven to 220F
  • Lay apple slices onto two baking sheets, leaving an even amount of space between each slice
  • Sprinkle with as much cinnamon as you’d like
  • Place trays in the oven. Let them bake for 1 hour.
  • Flip over the apple slices, let bake for another hour.
  • Pack and take to work! Enjoy

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