5 Ways to Eat Turmeric and Black Pepper Every Day to Tackle Inflammation and Fat Cells

5 Ways to Eat Turmeric and Black Pepper Every Day to Tackle Inflammation and Fat Cells

You've been reading all about the health advantages of turmeric, the strong, yellow-tinged spice that's used so extensively in Indian cooking, but you're probably thinking, "One person can only eat so much curry." Even though we at Paste enjoy a good curry, we understand and are here to support you. Here are five clever ways to incorporate ground turmeric, a warming spice with a rich historical background, into other dishes. Give it pride of place in your spice cabinet.

Blitz it with your morning smoothie

Hey, you’re probably already throwing things like chia seeds and wheat germ in there, right? So sprinkle in at least a teaspoon of turmeric along with a dollop of raw honey, which also has powerful health benefits, especially during fall allergy season.


Bake it into banana or zucchini bread

Turmeric plays well with cinnamon, which is often in both of these breads, and adding 1 teaspoon of turmeric will make your bread a little more healthy and a lot more exotic for the PTA bake sale.


Add to your chai tea latte, or gasp pumpkin spice latte

While I am not advocating the consumption of the beverage of eternal internet fame, I am saying that adding turmeric to it would be a great way to sneak some healthy vibes into an otherwise sugar-laden concoction. You could probably go with at least 1 teaspoon without any major noticeable change, that is, unless you are part of the taste testing focus group or something. In my chai tea, I add ½ teaspoon. Hey, experiment, which means you have to drink more lattes!

And before undertaking your turmeric odyssey, as with any food you’re consuming in part for its medicinal benefits, consider first reading up on recommended daily intake and possible side effects.

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