3 Ingredient Mixture to Slow the Spread of Cancer

3 Ingredient Mixture to Slow the Spread of Cancer

Turmeric is the only natural substance that is more successful than any other at lowering inflammation within the body. Carolyn Anderson, an American physician, shared a very easy recipe with the public that can help prevent cancer. It consists of three readily accessible ingredients combined. Doctor Anderson claims that these results are based on a two millennium-old eastern Indian custom of using these ingredients, and they are now supported by the most recent investigations and studies in western medicine. Anderson asserted that there is virtually no chance of developing cancer if you use these three ingredients on a daily basis.


3 Ingredient Mixture to Slow the Spread of Cancer

The Recipe:

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. Add a greater pinch of freshly grounded pepper in it. Mix these three ingredients in a cup. You can consume just the mixture, or you can also add it in various dishes, soups and salads. However, you should be careful not to boil these ingredients too much. If you use them in cooked dishes, you should add them at the very end. If you consume just the mixture, you should add some water.


But what exactly prevents the cancer and the spreading of cancer? The doctor gave the answer on her blog.


“All answers lie in the turmeric. The turmeric is a spice in the form of a yellow powder, which is one of the components of curry. Its anti-inflammatory abilities are incredibly powerful. There is no other natural ingredient in the world which is more effective for reducing inflammation in the body than the turmeric. The molecules in the turmeric which cause this anti-inflammatory effect are called curcumin.


Most recent studies have revealed that the turmeric prevents many kinds of cancer, such as colon cancer, prostate cancer, brain cancer and breast cancer. In the experiments applied to mice, it was shown that when the mice were exposed to carcinogenic chemicals, as long as they were using turmeric, the developing of various types of cancer was completely prevented. This ingredient has only one flaw, and that is that the turmeric is hard to dissolve in the digestive tract. Therefore, the best way to cure and prevent cancer is to use the combination of turmeric with pepper or ginger. According to the researches, the pepper increases the effectiveness of turmeric as much as 200 percent.”


Anderson also emphasized that you should use this mixture several times every day in order to prevent cancer successfully, but to kill cancer cells as well. “Use it as often as possible”, says Anderson, and adds that this mixture, or the natural remedy against malignant cancers, has no side effects.


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