16 Organic Antibiotics And Antibacterials That Should Be In Every Home!


16 Organic Antibiotics And Antibacterials That Should Be In Every Home!

Having some organic antibiotics on hand is always good, especially when things get messier. Check the following video to learn more about the top 5 natural antibiotics and their benefits.(Click here for the video)


The following is an excerpt from the video’s website:

1. Oregano oil pills

It is one of the most powerful herbal antibiotics and it is extremely potent. A pound of oregano oil is made from 1,000 pounds of oregano.

According to research: Oregano oil was tested in vitro on staphylococcus at Georgetown University Medical Center. Researchers found that even a small amount can provide the same effect as conventional antibiotics. A study published in a popular journal of medicine found that oregano oil has strong antibacterial properties against 5 species of dangerous bacteria, especially Escherichia.

Oregano oil contains two active compounds — thymol and caravacrol. According to Dr Axe, carvacrol is able to treat and reduce bacterial and fungal infections, parasites, viruses, inflammation, candida, and even tumors. Many experts recommend administration of oregano oil for only 2-4 weeks at a time. Some recommend taking it in a pill form, as it has strong nature. Gaia brand is amazing. Oregano oil is also considered as an antifungal and antiviral.


2. Olive leaf

Olive leaves are commonly used as a herbal antibiotic alternative.

According to research: Even though some studies have shown that the leaves cannot be used as a broad spectrum antibiotic alternative, they are sure effective against dangerous stomach bacteria and MRSA, which is considered as an antibiotic resistant bacteria. Olive leaves have strong antiviral and antifungal properties.


3. Garlic cloves

Garlic is rich in antioxidants. Allicin is one of the most potent active component of garlic, and it is found in freshly crushed or minced garlic. Garlic provides strong beneficial effect due to the synergy of its compounds, and even aged garlic provides promising benefits.

According to research: Studies have confirmed its antimicrobial properties. A study revealed that garlic enhances the action of gentamicin, and antibiotic, and it even negated its damaging effect on kidneys. Another study has shown that garlic helps in treating common cold, and researchers at the University of Maryland say that it also strengthens the immune system.

Garlic has strong antifungal and antiviral properties.


4. Goldenseal

It is an astringent herb and it is commonly used in the treatment of infections of the mucus membranes. Goldenseal is also used in the treatment of inflammations. It contains antimicrobial alkaloids, and berberine is the main alkaloid. Goldenseal stops bacteria from adhering to tissues. It is considered as a strong antifungal and antidiarrheal, and it is efficient in the treatment of protozoa.

According to research: Researchers at the University of NY have confirmed its efficacy against MRSA. Another study conducted at the Egyps Agricultural Center involved fish infected with bacteria. Some of the fish received antibiotics, and others were given goldenseal. The first group has a 84% recovery rate, and the second group showed a 87% recovery rate.


5. Vitamin C

High vitamin C levels are a guarantee of an increased immunity. Diseases and stress decrease vitamin C level. The attention to vitamin C levels is of ultimate importance, especially if the person is under any kind of stress.

According to research: Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC revealed that vitamin C kills resistant cultures in vitro, and they also found that they cannot develop vitamin C resistance.

Check peakenergy.com for more detailed information. Watch the videos of Dr Thomas Levy to learn more about the power of vitamin C. Some experts suggest taking liposomal vitamin C.

Once you notice the first cold or flu-like symptoms, take 1000mg of vitamin C, three times a day for about a week. Your condition shall improve within 2-4 days!

Take the following natural antibiotics into consideration as well:


6. Ehinacea tincture

It has strong antibacterial properties. Use it to treat special conditions of your respiratory, digestive and genitourinary tracts. It also does miracles in the treatment of sore throat.


7. Andrographis paniculata

It is a strong antibacterial. Use it in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections and sinus proplems. It is efficient in treating sore throat, cough and headaches.


8. Manuka honey

Another strong antibacterial. Use it to heal wounds and fight MRSA.


9. Bee propolis

It is a strong antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. It is great for respiratory infections.


10. Colloidal silver

Amazing antibiotic. Use it to treat upper respiratory ailments and toothache. Colloidal silver has shown to kill over 600 different germ strains. Important is the fact that common antibiotics are only effective against a few of these. Use it to treat ear and sinus infections.

If you have a toothache, over the counter remedies will only mask your pain. Try swishing some colloidal silver for several minutes each day. This will sure relieve your pain and you will never ever have issues with any of your teeth. Try Sovereign Silver, as it is easily absorbable. Of course, any well-known brand works great, and you can also make your own! There are many Youtube tutorials that provide detailed instructions.


11. Oregon Grape

It is a strong antibacterial. Use it to relieve conditions of your intestine and urinary tract.


12. Tea tree oil

It is a strong antibacterial. It has shown to be effective in the treatment of yeast, fungi, and bacterial infections.


13. Grapefruit seed extract

It provides a broad spectrum of antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic properties.


14. Forsythia suspensa

It is a strong antibiotic.


15. Coenzyme Q10

It is a potent antibiotic, and you can use it to relieve upper respiratory problems, bronchitis, COPD and others.


16. Bromelain

This antibiotic has shown to be efficient in the treatment of upper respiratory issues and bronchitis.

Have you ever used any of these? Can you suggest any other antibiotics? Share your opinion in the comment box below.

Source/Reference: www.healthy-holistic-living.com


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