12 Most Functional Foods That Destroy Cancer Cells

12 Most Functional Foods That Destroy Cancer Cells

Today's world is full of people who are impacted by cancer. To eradicate cancer from your life, your body needs to be in balance, and your immune system needs to be functioning at its best. Consuming certain foods can help prevent cancer by destroying cancer cells at their root cause and improving overall health, even though they are not a panacea.

Eating the correct foods is one way that anyone can take action to lower their risk of developing cancer. Make use of these nutritious food options to help prevent cancer and enhance your general well-being.


12 Most Functional Foods In The World Which Destroy Cancer Cells

Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil can help to protect against, such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. It is one of the healthier oils you can have in your home for light frying and use as a salad dressing.



Just about all types of berries – including strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries and raspberries – contain substances called ellagic acids and polyphenols, both of which can slow the growth of tumors. Some of the polyphenols can also help kill off cancer cells.



Cherries contain perillyl alcohol (POH), which has been found to be effective at destroying a variety of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. When buying cherries, it is wise to choose organically grown fruit whenever possible as conventionally grown cherries often contain high levels of pesticides and other chemical compounds.



Garlic has antibacterial properties, and the theory is that it can help the body ward off cancer in a number of ways, including killing the cancer cells outright. It may also help to repair the damage done to the DNA, and help to stop cancer cells from multiplying and spreading. These are several reasons why you have to embrace this stinking rose and add it to more of your dishes.



It’s one of the anti-cancer super foods that contains Lycopene, and is high in Antioxidants that attack cancer-triggering free radicals in the body. Lycopene is known to kill Mouth Cancer cells and is linked to reduced risk of Breast, Prostate, Pancreas and Colorectal Cancers. Tip: It is actually more effective when cooked.


Green Tea

Green tea is full of the compound catechin, an agent that has been shown to protect cells from free radicals associated with cancer that can damage their DNA. The release of catechins is best from loose leaf tea, so skip the baggies and seep away cancerous agents.



The cancer blocking properties of pumpkins are well known, and there is even a campaign to plant pink pumpkins during breast cancer awareness month to remind people to eat more pumpkin. Give strong consideration to eating the seeds as well, as they contain plenty of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that



High in Beta Carotene, carrots fight many forms of cancer including Lung, Stomach, Intestinal, Bladder, Prostate, Breast, Throat and Mouth. Tip: It’s better to eat them raw rather than cooked and in moderation due to high sugar content.



More and more evidence shows that eggplant has anticancer functions, especially in the treatment of stomach cancer and cervical cancer. Eggplant contains various alkaloids, of which solanine and cucurbitacin have been shown to possess cancer-fighting abilities.



Cauliflower contains proteins, lipids, sugar, vitamins, and various minerals, such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. Eating cauliflower frequently can increase your liver’s detoxification capacity and immunity, help you avoid catching a cold, and prevent scurvy and also remove some type of cancer.


A review of studies on therapeutic foods suggested curcumin, a component of turmeric, kills tumor cells by regulating multiple cell-signaling pathways. This spice can be added to any dish: scrambled eggs, chicken, and anything else your taste buds desire.


Dark Chocolate

Antioxidants, polyphenols and proanthocyanidins are all found in significant quantities in dark chocolate. These substances limit the growth of both cancer cells and the blood vessels that feed those cells. However, these benefits are only attributed to dark chocolate containing at least 70 percent cocoa, so check product packaging carefully.


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