Why are People With Blood Type 0 So Special?

Why are People With Blood Type 0 So Special?

Blood type 0 is the primal blood type of our ancestors who were cunning, aggressive predators.

People with this blood type play important roles in any society, even to this day. The leadership, proactivity, energy and ability to stay focused are among the best qualities of people with blood type O. They can be powerful and productive. However, when they are under stress they may become angry, hyperactive and impulsive. Poor diet, lack of exercise, unhealthy habits or elevated stress levels, are making them more sensitive to adverse metabolic effects, including insulin resistance, low activity of the thyroid gland and obesity. Your genetic inheritance offers you the opportunity to be a strong, productive, to have a long life and to be optimistic.


What makes you unique?

Because of their blood type they are predisposed to certain diseases, such as ulcers and thyroid dysfunction, members of the blood group 0 often have low levels of thyroid hormone and inadequate iodine, a chemical element whose sole purpose is to regulate the thyroid hormones. This causes many side effects such as obesity, fluid retention and fatigue.

They also have higher levels of stomach acid than other blood types, often resulting in stomach irritation and stomach ulcers.

In Japan,this blood type has long been associated with the type of personality. You even may be asked about your blood type when interviewing for a job! People with the blood type 0 are most often described as a responsible, committed, organized, focused, conscientious and practical. It is believed that they can orient better and they are better logicians. It is believed that it comes from the fact that their ancestors are hunters who had to observe and accurately evaluate the environment to be able to survive.

Stress can be caused by excessive anger and hyperactivity. People with this blood type are more vulnerable to destructive behavior when they are overly tired, depressed or bored. This can include gambling, seeking excitement, risk-taking and impulsivity. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine can be particularly harmful because of raising the adrenaline and noradrenaline levels, which are already high in people with this blood type.

Exercising is critical because it has a relaxing effect on the whole body. More than any other blood type, blood type 0 need to be physically active to maintain health and emotional stability. Regular physical activity is required three to four times a week.

For best results, aerobic exercises need to be done for thirty to forty five minutes at least four times a week.

Set clear plans what are your goals, whether they are annual, monthly, weekly or daily to avoid impulsive reactions. Bring these lifestyle changes gradually.

Consume all meals, even snacks, sitting at the table. Chew slowly and be relaxed.

Avoid making big decisions or spending money when you are under stress. If you have excess weight, you need to exercise. Exercise thirty to forty five minutes and aerobic exercises are recommended at least four times a week.

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