This Common Vitamin Deficiency is Causing Your Agonizing Back and Joint Pain

This Common Vitamin Deficiency is Causing Your Agonizing Back and Joint Pain

The general public simply believes that pain is a natural aspect of aging. Many people may experience aching joints in the morning or swollen joints at night. In any case, a basic vitamin deficiency could be the source of this pain.

Back and joint pain can negatively affect your quality of life and level of physical activity. You deserve to continue being active, explore new interests, and not live a life confined to excruciating pain, so don't let pain do that to you. The key is to educate yourself on the connection between common vitamin deficiencies and joint and back pain.


The Simple Nutrient Deficiency Causing Your Back and Joint Pain

Surprise: your back and joint pain may not be caused by your age, weight, job type, or activity level. In fact, it may well be caused by the food you’re eating (or not eating).

Research has linked joint pain to a vitamin D deficiency. It can be difficult to hit your recommended daily vitamin D intake every day, especially if you’re not particular about getting outside or eating a balanced diet.

Researchers note that joint and back pain can become increasingly worse as a vitamin D deficiency lasts longer and longer. In time, it can even lead to the development of arthritis and cause bone problems.

Are You Missing Out on Vitamin D?

If you are missing out on vitamin D, your body is probably giving you signs. However, it’s easy to start ignoring symptoms if you’ve lived with them for years. On top of chronic back and joint pain, you may notice the following symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency:

  • Burning sensation on feet
  • Poor balance
  • Low-quality sleep
  • Leg pain

You can try this simple test to see if you’re getting enough vitamin D. Press on your chest bone, also known as your sternum. If any pressure on the bone causes pain, you’re likely not getting enough vitamin D.


Great Ways to Get More Vitamin D

Now that you know that a lack of vitamin D can cause many problems, you may be wondering how you can boost your intake and start getting rid of your joint and back issues.

One of the best sources of vitamin D is the sun. Just 10 minutes a day of natural sunlight may give you the vitamin D you need. It can be difficult to get natural sunlight in some places, especially in areas where it rains a lot or where harsh winters are common.

Vitamin D is found in many food sources, including salon, mushrooms, tuna, mackerel, and egg yolks. However, vitamin D is one of the instances in which I think supplementation is a great option.

Benefits of Supplementing

Missing out on vitamin D can have serious consequences, which is why supplementation is such a good option. It ensures that you get your daily recommended intake without you having to meticulously track your diet.

Make sure you choose a vitamin D supplement that contains D3, not D2. Vitamin D3 is the vitamin made naturally by your body in response to sunlight, and it’s the type that your body needs.

Pro D3 is my vitamin D supplement of choice. It contains 5000 IU of vitamin D, helping you easily get your recommended amount. Readers like that it contains probiotics, since having a healthy digestive system is such an important part of overall health. Give it a try and see what it does for your joint pain!


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