How To Make Your Own Magnesium Oil and Cure Your Magnesium Deficiency Once And For All

How To Make Your Own Magnesium Oil and Cure Your Magnesium Deficiency Once And For All

Magnesium is an essential mineral for optimal health. It is among the most vital substances that our bodies require. More than 300 distinct biochemical reactions that are necessary for your body to operate correctly are triggered by magnesium. Magnesium strengthens and stops bone loss; it also guards against diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other conditions. The majority of Americans lack magnesium. Magnesium has been dubbed "The Forgotten Mineral" because of this.

The body needs magnesium to process food correctly, so taking supplements can help with a variety of health problems. Magnesium oil is an internal supplement that you can use on your skin on a regular basis.


How To Make Your Own Magnesium Oil

  •  1/2 cup Magnesium Chloride Flakes
  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • Spray bottle



  1. Boil the distilled water. 
  2. Add the magnesium chloride.
  3. Mix the magnesium chloride flakes until dissolved 
  4. Spray on stomach, legs, arms daily 
  5. Store at room temperature and use as needed

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