How to Make a Scalp Stimulator for Faster Healthier Hair Growth

How to Make a Scalp Stimulator for Faster Healthier Hair Growth

Coconut oil still seems to be wonderful jack-of-all-holistic-health-trades. You simply can’t get enough of it in your life and diet.

Unless someone in your family is seriously allergic to coconuts, you need it in your kitchen, first aid kit, and beauty kit.


Because It’s a Valuable Ally for Your Health

Studies demonstrate that it’s even able to methodically kill over 93% of colon cancer cells within forty-eight hours of treatment.


Because coconut has a lauric acid compound that simultaneously causes the cancer cells to be vulnerable to oxidation and places extreme oxidative stress in these dangerous cells.

It’s also a wonderful natural weight loss tool because its medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids help increase your metabolism’s ability to perform efficiently. This in turn, helps you burn excess calories rapidly.

Oh, and if you’re wondering how you can perfectly incorporate this into your diet, don’t worry. I got you covered with these five simple ways to use coconut oil in your cooking.

It’s Also Part of Nature’s Essential Beauty Kit


Because it’s the key ingredient in making your own homemade sunblock free that will help you avoid the carcinogenic chemicals found in most commercial brands.

If you still have any doubts about how amazing coconut oil is, these fifty coconut oil tips in your health, home, and beauty care should be more than enough to convince you to get your hands on some organic coconut oil as soon as possible.

Additionally, it makes the perfect natural alternative to the dangerous fluoride-saturated commercial brands of toothpaste.

But wait, there’s still even more:

Did you know you can use coconut oil to make your own homemade scalp treatment stimulator?


Homemade Coconut Oil Scalp Stimulator

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • One teaspoon of organic olive oil.
  • Two drops of tea tree oil.
  • Two drops of rosemary oil.
  • Half a cup of organic coconut oil.


Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Grab your favorite stirring bowl, start out with the coconut oil and gradually add the remaining ingredients as you thoroughly whip everything together.

Once you’re satisfied, place the mix in an airtight glass jar.


How to Use It:

You preferably want to apply this when your scalp is nicely dry. I find that the best time to do this is usually right before you take a shower.

Using an applicator brush, thoroughly cover your hair and scalp.

Let it sit for about fifteen minutes.

Shampoo and condition as you normally do.


Why is it so good?

Because of its unique chemical structure, coconut oil is actually able to reach your hair’s inner cortex and make your hair stronger, more moisturized, and increasingly flexible.

Melaleuca oil (also known as tea tree oil) is amazing at helping you treat and heal a dry itchy scalp. Additionally, it helps treat dandruff. It usually leaves a pleasantly tingly sensation right after you use it.

Rosemary oil, on the other hand, helps your hair by increasing overall hair growth and by making it stronger.


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