How To Eat Right For Your Blood Type

How To Eat Right For Your Blood Type

Eat Right for Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight is written by renowned neuropathic physician Peter D'Adamo.

According to him, blood types are important for general health and wellbeing, and some foods are beneficial for some blood types but detrimental for others. He explains how blood types are closely related to exercise and how certain diseases can be caused by specific blood types.

Not everyone agrees with his method of nutrition, but 7 million sold copies sure speak for themselves. 

How does blood type diet work?

D’Adamo says that ever individual has its own way of responding to foods, which is connected to the blood type. According him, lectins, or carbohydrate-binding proteins, attach to different blood type in a different way. The reaction between lectins and blood types can sometimes harm health.

The doctor explained certain changes and side-effects in his book, but his main goal was to analyze which food are suitable for each blood type, and of course, the amount in which they should be consumed.


Four basic blood types

1. Blood type A

20,000 years ago, in the developing stage of agriculture, this blood type went through the change of a lifetime. People with this blood type should be vegetarians, and they are also referred to as “the agrarians.”

People with blood type A should avoid meat, and eat more fruits, veggies, beans, legumes and whole grains.

In other words, organic and fresh foods are the real deal for these people, because they have a sensitive immunity.


2. Blood type O

Dating since 30,000 years ago, this is the oldest blood type. Unlike other blood types, it requires protein-high nutrition. These are “the hunters.”

People with blood type 0 should eat protein-loaded foods, including lean meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. They should avoid grains, beans and dairy products. To treat stomach ache and other health problems these individuals should take different supplements.


3. Blood type B

“The nomads” can adapt to dairy products and have the most versatile digestive tract. This blood type appeared 10,000 years ago.

People with blood type B should avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. According to D’Adamo, chicken can also cause some health problems. He recommends consuming large amounts of vegetables, eggs, certain meat and low-fat dairy products.


4. Blood type AB

These are “the enigmas,” because this blood type is only 1,000 years ago. As this is the most recently developed type, the diet varies between blood type A and B.

People with blood type AB should eat tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. D’Adamo says that these people struggle with heartburn, and they should avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked meat.

If you still have not determined your blood type, ask your doctor.


Food recommendations for each blood type:

Blood type A

Foods to eat: vegetables, whole grains (not pasta or bread), berries, figs, avocados, apples and peaches. Nuts and soy are the only proteins allowed.

Foods to avoid: any kind of meat, dairy products, and kidney beans.


Blood type O

Foods to eat: red meat, poultry (chicken, turkey), seafood and other proteins. Speaking of veggies, eat more kale, spinach, kelp and broccoli.

Foods to avoid: legumes (beans, peanuts, lentils), dairy products, eggs, wheat and grains.


Blood type B

Foods to eat: fruits, green vegetables, certain grains, red meat, fish, turkey.

Foods to avoid: seeds, chicken, peanuts, lentils, corn, and buckwheat.


Blood type AB

Foods to eat: turkey, tofu, seafood and fish, vegetables, beans, watermelon, figs, apples, bananas, legumes.

Foods to avoid: buckwheat, corn, red meat (causes stomach acid). Be careful when consuming alcohol and caffeine.

Organic food is great for all blood types. Ask a nutritionist to help you improve your diet. Food groups are strict, and you do not have to worry about excess calories. Learn more about the positive and negative effect of the food you eat. If the members of your family have different diet, the Atkins diet is the real solution for you as it avoids entire food groups.

Nutrition for one blood type fits one person, but it is unsuitable for other. To understand the whole concept, read Dr Adamo’s book. Ask your doctor or nutritionist for an advice, and introduce some healthy changes into your diet. Be careful if you are dealing with a special health condition.

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