Grow Back Your Receding Gums In No Time With The Help Of These Natural Remedies

Grow Back Your Receding Gums In No Time With The Help Of These Natural Remedies

Lemons are well-known for having antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. Gums that are receding can grow faster thanks to the lemon. Additionally, it will eliminate foul breath. Lemons are acidic, so keep in mind that eating too many of them can erode your tooth's enamel. Use lemon oil in moderation. It ought to be utilized just once every week. You won't have to worry about that if you decide to make your own lemon oil.


Homemade lemon oil:

You will need:

– ¼ to ½ cup of olive oil
– ½ to 1 freshly squeezed lemon juice

Directions: put the olive oil in a jar and add the lemon juice. Cover and shake it well. Leave the mixture for a couple of weeks. Remember to shake the jar every day. After three to four weeks you can start and use the oil.

How to use it:

Apply little bit of lemon oil on your fingers and massage your gums for a couple of minutes. Do this method not more than 2 times in a week.


Tips for preventing gum recession

It is better to prevent the problem then to cure it. If you see how many people have problems with receding gums then it is time to take some precautions. This way you will prevent other oral diseases as well. We will give you some tips that can help you to take better care of your gums and mouth.


Proper oral hygiene

This is one of the most important tips. It will keep the oral diseases away.


– No aggressive brushing.
– Use gentle strokes and circular motion.
– Brush along your gym line, do not push the gums.
– Use a brush with small head and soft bristles.
– Floss!!!
– The best way to keep good oral hygiene is to floss and brush after every meal. If you are not able to do that then after every meal use a mouthwash.


Mouthwash for a clean mouth

If you use a mouthwash on daily basis then your mouth will be free of bacteria and germs. It is recommended that you use it every day. We will give you recipes for homemade mouthwash if you do not want to use the ones from the market. They are made with some essential oils.

– Mix 1 to 2 drops of essential oil, such as sage oil, peppermint, clove or tea tree oil and mix t with ¼ to ½ cups of water. Mix it well and use it every day.

– Another good way to protect your mouth from infections is hydrogen peroxide. It is very strong so remember to dilute it with water.

Remember that mouthwash is very important. Do it at least 2 times daily: in the morning and in the evening.


Water, water and water

We all know that water is very important and drinking a lot of it can keep your gums healthy. We present you some reasons why you should drink more water to keep your gums healthy:

– You will get rid of the toxins from your mouth and your body. You will flush out any germs and bacteria in your mount and therefore you will prevent receding gums.

– You will keep your mouth clean. If you cannot clean your mouth after every meal you can use water to clean any food that is left on your teeth and in your mouth. Swish it around in your mouth and if you cannot spit the water out you can swallow it. Simple as that.


Eat healthy

Food that is healthy and full of nutrients can improve your overall health and boost your immune system as well. On the other hand, junk food will help the bacteria to grow in your mouth which can lead to many infections.

– Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can. We recommend the ones that are full of vitamin C, because it is very important for your gums. It can reduce inflammation and help in the regeneration of the gums. Eat a lot pineapple, strawberries, oranges, cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli, asparagus etc.

– Reduce the sugar intake and avoid cold drinks. They are perfect home for bacteria.

– Do not consume alcohol, processed food, caffeine and anything that is made of white flour. They are bad for your overall health as well as for your oral health.


Consult with your doctor for any supplements

If your body does not have all important nutrients it can lead to bad oral health and problems with the gums. In order to change that you need to visit your doctor and find out if you should increase the intake of certain vitamins or other important nutrients. The following supplements can help you with receding gums:

– Calcium: it is very important for dental and bone health.

– Vitamin C: it will boost your immune system and also has many anti-inflammatory properties.

– Ginkgo biloba: it will improve your blood circulation, which is crucial for having healthy gums.

– Zinc: it will boost your immune system and you will fight different bacteria that can cause infection and oral diseases.

– Coenzume Q10: it will renew your cells and it will help you to grow back your receding gums.


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