Dog Reflexology REVERSES Inflammation And Promotes HEALTHY Blood Flow

Dog Reflexology REVERSES Inflammation And Promotes HEALTHY Blood Flow

People frequently perform reflexology on themselves because it has been shown to have positive effects on humans. However, I've discovered lately that some are employing this technique on their animals—especially dogs!

I was initially a little dubious about the concept, but after doing some research, I saw that it has some merit. It just makes sense: if reflexology is so healthy for us, what reason is there for it to not also benefit our dogs? Our bodies function extremely similarly on the inside despite having very different exteriors.


Benefits Of Dog Reflexology

A lot of our major systems work the same in dogs. And although we have hands and feet and they have paws, reflexology works almost the same. In fact, the same benefits we get from it, our pets share them as well.

Here’s what pet reflexology can do for our furry friends:

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Improve lymph circulation
  • Build trust and bonding
  • Aid in behavioural problems
  • Disperse pain in tensed muscles
  • Reduce stress and tension
  • Restore mobility and flexibility
  • Restore homeostasis

Dog Reflexology Guide

Dog Reflexology REVERSES Inflammation And Promotes HEALTHY Blood Flow

If you have performed reflexology on yourself, or even if you have never tried it but want to use it to benefit your pet, here are some easy steps to take. Reflexology is more than just rubbing your pet, like you may do everyday. There is purpose behind these pets.


Step 1: Make Sure Your Dog Is Relaxed

Sit or lie down next to your pet, and wait until they are relaxed beside you. It is important for your pet to be relaxed so that you can be able to hold their paws without them scurrying away from you.


Step 2: Gently Touch The Paws

Begin to gently touch the paws. If your dog pulls it away, then they might not be ready to let you touch them, but that will pass with time – just be a little patient. Before you begin to apply pressure on the paws, make sure that your pup is okay with your touch.


Step 3: Begin Applying Pressure

Once your dog is ok with you touching their paws, you can begin applying pressure to the pads of their paws. Using your thumb and a finger, apply gentle pressure to each pad, and then once you do each pad, work in between the pads.


Step 4: Work The Ankles

Like us, dogs have pressure points around their feet and ankles. If your dog responds positively to reflexology on their paws, you can massage around their ankles with more gentle pressure.

This practice is very simple, and doesn’t take much time at all. You can repeat it as often as you want, and eventually your dog will begin asking YOU to do it for them.

Certain breeds of dog suffer from health ailments like hip dysplasia or arthritis and are more predisposed to them because of their genetics. But reflexology can help prevent the early onset of these ailments, and mitigate any pain associated with them.

You’ll love how easy dog reflexology is to do, and you’ll love what it can do for your pet. Enjoy!


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