Doctors Shocked: Man Completely Cures His Terminal Lung Cancer with Honey and Herbs

Doctors Shocked: Man Completely Cures His Terminal Lung Cancer with Honey and Herbs

Thirteen years ago, Ante Kresich received a lung cancer diagnosis. Doctors from Croatia advised him to organize his affairs because time was running out. But Kresich had other ideas. In fact, he used his homemade remedy of herbs and honey to cure himself against all odds.

He says he has mountains of paperwork, an abundance of proof, possibly enough to silence doubters, captivate enquirers, and give hope to cancer patients in a desperate search for an all-encompassing, low-cost, non-conventional cancer treatment that works.

His doctors were as amazed by his progress as anyone. Uncharacteristically, they actively encouraged him to continue doing whatever he had been doing to successfully treat his cancer. Of course, they were dumbfounded by his success.

But a few doctors, especially outside the USA and other Anglo nations, bow to the old adage: “The proof is in the pudding.” When Kresich’s doctors finally reexamined him, they didn’t find a trace of cancer in his entire body, thanks to his maverick honey and herb concoction.

Kresich explains, “I left the hospital in April, and in the summer I was already a completely different man. When I went to consult my doctors they could not believe that I was still alive, and also they could believed [sic] the results of the examinations that followed”

Ante’s life has since blossomed with new purpose. His unexpected brush with death has showered him with many blessings. If you met him now you might never suspect that had been a near death, cancer victim.

Today, he is brimming with energy and confidence in his honey cancer cure. In fact, he consults with people from all over the world who seek him out and are eager to learn about his medicine and how it might benefit them. He also has a new hobby. He’s a bee keeper.

Kresich’s exact formula remains a mystery, but a woman from nearby Bosnia shared her cancer curing honey ginger recipe.

Honey History and Science

Honey has been used by humans for approximately 8,000 years, as depicted by Stone age paintings. The 5,000 year old holistic traditional healing system, Ayurveda (Sanskrit word Ayurveda, meaning the “science of life”) considers honey the “nectar of life” and classifies honey into 8 different types each having their own unique healing properties.

Ayurveda texts are adamant that only raw honey is medicine. A December 2004 BBC News article, “Honey could help fight cancer”, reported: “A team from the University of Zagreb in Croatia found a range of honey-bee products stopped tumours growing or spreading in tests on mice.”

The team also reported, via the Journal Science of Food and Agriculture, that human cancer patients would probably see similar benefits as well. Not surprisingly, they recommended that honey be used in conjunction with toxic chemotherapy. The researchers say it is not yet clear how bee products affect cancer cells.

The research team, led by Dr. Nada Orsolic, concluded that honey-bee products could be a valuable tool researchers could use to control tumor growth. They also stated: “The intake of honey-bee products may be advantageous with respect to cancer and metastasis [secondary cancers] prevention …”

Here’s a “dirt cheap” honey cancer protocol from Cancer tutor, a site that specializes in sharing an extensive list of empirically proven alternative cancer treatments and cures.

Cancer tutor admits that honey by itself has cured cancer, but they have discovered it’s more effective when combined with potent spices like ginger, cinnamon, or turmeric. You can review the detailed protocol here.

Remember: Only use real raw, unpasteurized honey and organic non-irradiatated spices.



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