Baking Soda – True Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Baking Soda – True Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Industry

As research on baking soda and cancer commences, sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is gaining attention. Long recognized as the panacea for all things fungal, baking soda is currently gaining attention in numerous global studies. This emphasis is on raising awareness of the connection between fungal infections and cancer.

“When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold. And importantly, it is also a powerful buffer against radiation exposure, so everyone should be up to speed on its use.”

Bicarbonate deficiency is the most unrecognized medical condition on earth even though it is extraordinarily common. Problems from acid pH levels (relative deficiency in bicarbonate ions) take a large toll from human physiology and the more acid a person gets the larger the problem for cell physiology. Every biochemical reaction is pH sensitive with enzymes being especially sensitive. Our diet plays an important role in maintaining appropriate pH levels in the body.

Most modern diets give rise to unhealthy acidic pH conditions. An imbalanced pH will interrupt cellular activities and functions to extreme levels as ph drops further. Excessive acidic pH leads to cellular deterioration which eventually brings on serious health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and heartburn. The fact that the biological life functions best in a non-acidic (alkaline) environment speaks miles about the usefulness of baking soda.

“I have used intravenous sodium bicarbonate therapy mostly as a naturopathic treatment for patients who consistently react to allergens or that have chemical sensitivities. This is a great therapy during the Vancouver allergy seasons of spring and fall.

The alkalinizing sodium bicarbonate IV can often immediately stop an allergic reaction, or asthmatic attack, since such reactions cannot persist in an alkaline environment. Some of my patients also get benefit from taking an alkalinizing drink every night to reduce their chemical sensitivity symptoms,” writes Dr Eric Chan. “All of my Vancouver and Richmond patients have tolerated this therapy markedly well.”

Below is an article written from the wonderful book ‘Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment – Second Edition’ by Mark Sircus, AC., OMD. I felt it was a good idea to share this information so please be sure to check it out -with an open mind of course. It is understandable how this can seem far fetched but there are a number of well known natural cancer treatments that are working today that mainstream medicine refuses to talk about.

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