70% of US Apple Juice Comes from China and Laced with Arsenic

70% of US Apple Juice Comes from China and Laced with Arsenic

Are you aware of the source of your apple juice? It originates in China. The US apple juice market was thriving twenty years ago, but Chinese apple production has increased over the last twenty years, flooding the US market with Chinese apple juice concentrate.

F&WW reports that the People's Republic of China now supplies more than 70% of the apple juice consumed in the United States, despite the Chinese government's admission that it is having trouble enforcing a new food safety law. Dr. Oz tested hundreds of samples from three different American cities and found that some of the most well-known apple juice brands in the country contain arsenic. Apple juice is still deemed safe to consume by the FDA, though.

The arsenic levels produced by the F&WW-Empire State-Paradigm tests exceeded those found in apple juice by the St. Petersburg Times in March 2010. The Florida newspaper reported levels of 35 parts per billion.

Mott’s, an American company with a history dating back to the 1840s, has not commented on the high arsenic levels found in its apple juice. FDA, which has previously expressed concerned about arsenic levels above 23 parts per billion, also has yet to comment on the uptick that may be occurring from Chinese apple juice.

China is the world’s largest apple producer and it sells the concentrate for a fraction of what it is sold for in the U.S. The thing is Chinese apples are said to be so bitter they can barely be eaten. So they are made marketable by turning them into a powdery concentrate through a complicated process.When consumers read the label on various other types of fruit juices, the label may list apple juice or apple juice concentrate as the first or second ingredient. But the label may not tell you whether the apple juice came from apple juice concentrate, 70% of which may be important from China.

It is a crying shame that the US government with all of it’s regulations has even driven the apple farmers out of business so that apple juice also needs to be brought in from overseas.We will certainly get what we deserve when we can no longer remember what an apple orchard looks like because we have driven our local farmers our of business all because we want cheap juice from China.


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