Want To Quit Smoking? This Herb Instantly Destroys Your Desire For Nicotine (And How To Grow It)

Want To Quit Smoking? This Herb Instantly Destroys Your Desire For Nicotine (And How To Grow It)

Even though everyone is aware of the harmful effects of smoking, giving up this habit can be difficult. One of the main causes of smoking cessation is the chemical nicotine, which leads to addiction. The body becomes accustomed to nicotine after a while and can't function properly without it. In actuality, your body requires more nicotine to function correctly the more you smoke.

You may experience anxiety and restlessness, along with a craving for cigarettes, when your body isn't getting enough nicotine. Withdrawal is the term for this condition, and it requires some time to recover. The physical symptoms might go away in a few days, but the cravings might linger longer.

If you are determined to give up smoking, this article is what you`ve been looking for. It focuses on Stevia, a herb which is known to destroy cigarette cravings.

How to Use Stevia to Quit Smoking

As reported by a recent study done by German researchers, Stevia helps cure cigarette and alcohol addiction.Stevia blocks the cravings signals which the body is trying to send, which in turn helps overcome cravings much easier.

Stevia is part of the chrysanthemum family, originating from Paraguay, where people used it as a natural sweetener for a very long time.

As for anti-smoking therapy, simply apply a few drops of Stevia on the tongue each time you feel the urge to smoke. As unbelievable as it seems, this simple trick is extremely effective at killing any craving for a cigarette.

Stevia can be found in both powdered and liquid form and is available in health-food stores and bigger supermarkets. Look for it on the baking good aisle or in the health food aisle.

In addition to this, Stevia is a beneficial tool against obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. It has the ability to nourish, tighten, and smoothen the skin, which is the reason why Stevia is often added to many skin care products. It is effective in treating acne and dermatitis, too.

How to Grow Stevia at Home

Stevia thrives in warm areas and dies off at lower temperatures. However, it survives the winter in zones 9 and warmer, re-appearing in spring.  With adequate protection, it can overwinter in zone 8, too.

If you plant Stevia in containers, use at least a 12-inch pot withigh-qualityty soil. Place it in well-lit area and water when you feel the top of the potting soils dry to the touch.


Soil, Planting and Care

If planted in loamy, loose, and well-drained soil, Stevia will grow up to 3 meters in height, depending on the length of the growing season.  Before planting, make sure all danger of frost has passed.  Feed the soil with Vegetable Plant food or Bonnie Herb and mulch to prevent the plant from drying out during the hot summer days.



Since Stevia doesn’t like soggy soil, make sure it has a proper drainage. Otherwise, the roots will rot.  If the plant becomes wilt and doesn’t recover after watering, it is very likely that it is already rotten and useless.


Harvest and Storage

When the plant blooms, remove trim the flowers so that the plant grows more leaves. In fall, Stevia bears white flowers and offers fewer good leaves for harvest. Trim off the blooms to encourage growth of more leaves.

The leaves are sweetest at the end of autumn and they taste is the best prior blooming. Drying it out is the best way to make Stevia convenient to use. Cut the stems and then strip the leaves. Spread them over woven fabric or outdoors.

One day would be enough to dry them so make sure you move them inside before the dew dampens on them. If possible, you can use a food dehydrator. Once the leaves are completely dry, crush them or grind in a food processor. Store in an airtight container and use to sweeten foods and beverages.

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