This Simple Drink Will Clear Mucus From Your Lungs And Give An Instant Boost To Your Immune System

This Simple Drink Will Clear Mucus From Your Lungs And Give An Instant Boost To Your Immune System

Since breathing in and storing oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide through the nose are the two main functions of the lungs, they are also vital organs. However, mucus buildup in the nose can affect the lungs.

This beverage will boost your defenses against illness and clear your lungs of mucus. Both adults and children can use it, and it has immediate and noticeable results.

Children are more likely to get sick because they play in the dirt, water, and grime so much. Nevertheless, as their immune systems mature, they become less susceptible to illness.

Yet, children most commonly suffer from a cough and colds. If these issues persist, it indicates that mucus is accumulated in the lungs.

Our body creates lots of mucus on a daily basis, almost 1-2 liters. The majority of it is spat out, but in the case of colds, it clogs the breathing tubes and leads to health issues, including allergies.

If it persists and turns greenish in color, or even mixed with blood, the health problem may be serious, so you should visit a doctor.

The immune system prevents diseases and foreign bodies and reduces various health risks, germs, parasites, viruses, and bacteria. It contains lymph nodes, which produce and store the cells which protect us from bacteria and viruses.

Additionally, the bone marrow is another component which creates white blood cells and stores the stem cells, which have the ability to morph into any human cell.

The immune system also includes the spleen, which involves the white blood cells, and controls the amount of blood. The immune system this creates antibodies which destroy viruses which may cause diseases.

Therefore, the following recipe will be of great help, as it boosts the immune system and eliminates excess mucus from the lungs:


  • 100 grams honey
  • 100ml water
  • 4 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 inch of ginger (grinded)
  • 50 grams oats



Initially, rinse the oats and mix them with the water and the grinded ginger . Then, boil the mixture for several minutes. After it cools add the honey and the lemon juice and leave it thus overnight. Store the drink in the fridge, and you can use it up to a week.



Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink 30-40ml of this drink. Repeat this for 40 days to boost the immune system. Then, make a 15-day break, and repeat the treatment for 40 more days. It can also be used in children, and it will strengthen their immunity to prevent all kinds of viruses and bacteria.


Also if you want to speed up the process of eliminating excess mucus from the lungs we highly recommend you to use steam:

  • Boil a pot of water and hold your face over the bowl and breathe in the steam for several minutes.
  • Cover your head with a towel to concentrate your exposure to the steam.

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