Study: This Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Activates Fat-Burning Genes In The Body

Study: This Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Activates Fat-Burning Genes In The Body

Since it tastes good with a wide range of foods, apple cider vinegar is a staple in many homes. It is frequently advertised as a remedy for practically any illness under the sun in folk medicine. Despite the fact that the majority of these claims lack scientific support, apple cider vinegar still has a number of well-established health benefits.

In a Japanese study, for instance, 175 obese participants with similar diets were tracked; however, some of the participants took apple cider vinegar, while others did not. Those who used the apple cider vinegar lost more weight than the group of people who did not at the end of the study. Apple cider vinegar, according to the researchers, may turn on specific genes involved in the breakdown of fat.

Apple cider vinegar was also found to be effective at lowering blood sugar levels. According to Carol Johnston, PhD, the director of Arizona State University’s nutrition program, apple cider vinegar prevents the digestion of starch, something that causes a raise in blood sugar levels.

“Apple cider vinegar’s anti-glycemic effect is very well documented,” Johnston says.“It doesn’t block the starch 100%, but it definitely prevents at least some of that starch from being digested and raising your blood sugar.”

Most people purchase commercial apple cider vinegar from either grocery or health food stores, but did you know that it’s incredibly simple to make on your own? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make apple cider vinegar from scratch.


  • The cores and peels of between 6-8 apples
  • Two tablespoons of honey
  • Enough water to submerge ingredients in


  • Place the apple cores and peels in a large glass jar
  • Fill the jar up with water so all of the cores and peels are submerged
  • Pour in the honey and stir until it is dissolved
  • Place a paper towel over the jar opening before sealing
  • Let the mixture sit for two weeks before straining out the liquid
  • Discard the residue left in the jar and pour the liquid back into it
  • Let it sit for 4 more weeks, stirring daily

And there you have it! Simple, easy to make, homemade apple cider vinegar, enjoy!


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