Reverse Cavities Naturally and Heal Tooth Decay with THIS Powerful Tooth Mask

Reverse Cavities Naturally and Heal Tooth Decay with THIS Powerful Tooth Mask

This post will cover tooth masks that can naturally reverse tooth decay and whiten your teeth without visiting the dentist. But you can't achieve this without altering your way of life in a few ways, like:

  • Consuming foods rich in vitamin D and vitamin K2, including grass fed butter, ghee, chicken, cream and full fat milk.
  • Oil pulling in the morning, at least three times weekly for 15 minutes.
  • Flossing before going to bed.
  • Avoid consuming refined white sugar.

These tooth masks are very helpful in whitening your teeth, removing stains on teeth and healing early decays.

1. Tooth mask with coconut oil, turmeric and clove oil

Needed ingredients:

  • ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • ¼ teaspoon of organic coconut oil
  • 2 drops of clove essential oil
  • A pinch of sea salt (optional ingredient)

How to prepare the mask?

Add all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix them well. Then, apply the mixture on your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Let the mixture on for 2-5 minutes and then brush teeth as normal and rinse well with water.

2. Teeth whitening with baking soda and mint

Needed ingredients:

  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • 2 drops of lemon juice
  • 1 drop of peppermint essential oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of dried mint powder (optional ingredient)

How to prepare it?  

Add the ingredients in a small bowl and mix them well. Grab your tooth brush and scoop the mixture with it. Apply it on your teeth and let it sit for 3 minutes or more, depending on how long you can keep it in your mouth. At the end, spit out and brush your teeth.

3. Tooth mask with activated charcoal, licorice and clay for immediately shiny white teeth

Many people have tried this mask and say it is very effective and gives instant results. These three amazingly powerful ingredients will work wonders in removing plaque and whitening your teeth immediately. You will achieve it by using it only once in a week.


Needed ingredients:

  • Half a teaspoon of activated charcoal
  • ¼ teaspoon of licorice root powder
  • A pinch of food grade betonite clay powder
  • 1 drop of sweet orange essential oil (optional ingredient)


How to prepare the mask?

Pour all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix them with your toothbrush. Then, scoop the mixture with the toothbrush and apply it on your teeth. Leave it on for 3 minutes. Then, brush your teeth and wash with water to remove the mask completely.


Are the masks beneficial?

Of course they will be beneficial. Unlike dentists’ words that tooth decays need to be drilled and filled; you can reverse tooth decays in a natural way because they are triggered by nutritional deficiencies rather than bacteria.



Don’t swallow the ingredients when using the masks. Also, it is fine if you keep the mask on only a couple of minutes. And, if you are allergic to any of the ingredients, don’t use them.


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