Make Your Own Natural Insect Repellant With This Simple Recipe

Make Your Own Natural Insect Repellant With This Simple Recipe

The worst thing is getting bitten by bugs! The issue is that, historically, purchasing toxic repellents to get rid of bugs has been associated with potential health risks.

Fortunately, eliminating bugs doesn't have to endanger your health or the health of your loved ones. Make your own bug repellent! One that is powerful enough to eradicate bothersome bugs without endangering your health or the health of your children.

Together with these many applications, these ingredients can be used to make a laundry detergent, fabric softener, tile scrub, and much more.

So let’s go over what you’re going to need to create the best organic bug repellent out there.


  • 10 drops of Lavender
  • 1-15 oz. bottle of witch hazel
  • 10-12 drops of Citronella
  • 10-12 drops of Eucalyptus
  • 10-12 drops of Lemongrass



1. Grab a couple of small bottles and divide the witch hazel between them. Use one for outside and the other one for whatever else you would need bug repellent for. I usually like to bring some repellent with me whenever I go out at night because the bugs are usually very active. I usually almost fill the bottles, leaving roughly ½” of room at the top.

2. Add each of the other oils to the witch hazel. Then put back on the lid and shake the bottle well. Do this until the oils mix well. Make sure you shake the mixture again every time you use it.

The best part about this insect repellent is that it smells wonderful, so you won’t mind spraying it all over the place. Plus, it’s particularly effective at getting rid of pesky mosquitos.


Why I Love It

The worst part about using insect repellent is the smell it gives off. I find it almost sickening and I’m always trying to get rid of the smell after I’m done using it. But nothing, until now, has given me the security I need to feel safe from bugs and also not mind having repellent all over my body.

Another great part about this bug spray is the fact that it doesn’t feel sticky on your skin. You can wear it all day and all night and never feel that gross icky feeling other repellents give you.

For me those were the two biggest sellers for this bug spray, but I also love making it myself so I know exactly what’s in it. I can know for certain that I’m using a bug spray that is chemical free and not harmful to my health, or the environment.

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