How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Face Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Face Naturally

Similar to other aging indicators, dark spots on the skin go unnoticed until they start to bother you. It's possible that what started out as a cute little brown freckle has grown into something truly memorable. We need to know what dark spots are and why they usually appear on your face as you age before we can begin the process of eliminating them. Most importantly, you should speak with your dermatologist to make sure they are safe.


1-  Understanding Hyperpigmentation

Behind every dark spot is the Hyperpigmentation process that occurs when a pigment, melanin, responsible for the production of color in the skin, becomes overactive. This higher amount of melanin can be caused by damage to the skin, mainly from the sun, inflammation, acne, or other attacks responsible for the release of inflammation such as stress or fatigue. Being pregnant also causes increased production, resulting in the pregnancy mask. With age the number of dark spots increases. And simple genetics can play its part. Therefore, dark spots can be caused by at least six different factors or any combination of them. Fortunately, the appearance of a dark stain doesn't mean you're here to stay.


How To Remove Dark Spots?

In addition to cosmetic treatments, daily dermatology steps for skincare can help to gently stop the spread of dark spots. The right brightening ingredients along with exfoliants to physically remove skin cells progressively decrease dark spots. Try natural peels based on fruit acids (AHA) or glycolic acid, which despite the "acid" in their name are as gentle as they are effective. Pay attention to keratolytic ingredients, which promote smoothing and exfoliation of the epidermis, as they help increase skin renewal and restore a uniform skin tone.

More protective: daily skincare with SPF

SPF, abundant and daily, protects the skin everywhere, but especially when melanin has already started. Sun exposure is the # 1 factor in skin pigmentation changes. Studies show that the aging process in the 20-80 age group produces an annual decrease in skin luminosity, but that the regular application of a cosmetic sunscreen product counteracts this darkening process. One more reason to make SPF as routine as a moisturizer.


Use A Vitamin C Cream To Get Rid Of Dark Spots

Help your skin with vitamin C. This natural element is one of the best-known ingredients in dermatology to interrupt the entire melanin production process, serving a dual role in prevention and correction. Its combined action of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories helps stop the formation of new dark spots by eliminating free radicals caused by UV rays and pollution. Its vitaminic strength also inhibits the key enzyme behind melanin production .


Clean Excess Melanin

Exfoliation of the skin helps to remove excess melanin, before it is too deep, and stimulates the renewal of new cells. A new generation of cosmetics fed with exfoliating ingredients of natural origin with proven natural action can eliminate excess. Look for those based on Fruit Acids (AHA) or Glycolic Acid to remove melanin pigments, prevent discoloration, and promote uniformity.


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