Celery for High Blood Pressure

Celery for High Blood Pressure

Many people struggle with high blood pressure; in fact, the American Heart Association estimates that 76.4 million adults in the country have high blood pressure. An extremely high blood pressure level can significantly raise your risk of a potentially fatal stroke or heart attack.


So what do you do about it? Simple, celery. Use celery for high blood pressure. It works!

Celery juice contains the compound 3-n-butylphtalide, or phthalide, which contributes to the vegetable’s taste and aroma. As a chemical affecting the body, phthalide helps relax the smooth muscles in the walls of the blood vessels, according to High Blood Pressure Info. Blood pressure decreases as the blood vessels dilate and allow blood to flow easier and more freely (1).


Celery Juice for high blood pressure Recommendations

Using the recommended Oriental dosages to lower mild cases of high blood pressure, one would eat about four ounces of celery (about a cup of chopped celery) daily. You should begin to see results after only a week or two.  Juicing 2 stalks of celery per day would also achieve the same results.


Blood Pressure Lowering Juice


  • 2 Stalks of Celery
  • 1/2 beet
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1/2 green apple
  • lemon


Juice all ingredients and enjoy


 So what are the benefits of celery?

1. Lowers Blood Pressure:

Potassium and heart health go hand in hand. It is the essential factor in triggering your heartbeat and it also helps regulate your blood pressure levels. Pretty serious stuff, I’d say! With minimal, but significant levels of potassium, celery helps to stabilize fluid levels in the body.

Phthalides (another sub category of the phytochemicals found in celery) act as diuretics, helping to rid the body of excess salt levels that could otherwise dangerously influence high blood pressure. Keep in mind that high blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and heart disease.


2. Lowers cholesterol:

Eating only two stalks of celery a day has been shown to lower cholesterol levels by upwards of 7%. The presence of butylphthalide (an oil which gives celery its distinct peppery taste and smell) has been tested and shown to treat hypertension in animals and protect cholesterol levels with its powerful antioxidant properties. This essential oil reduces bad cholesterol and aids in the production of healthy cholesterol.


3. Relaxes and smoothes muscles:

Inflammation is the leading cause of arterial blockage leading to heart attack and stroke. Celery contains the anti-inflammatory ingredient luteolin, a bioflavonoid which reduces oxidative damage of DNA. By smoothing the lining of major arterial walls, the potential for blockage is significantly reduced.


4. Contains the Good Fiber:

Unlike most nutrient rich vegetables, celery contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. When compared to kale, celery has as much soluble fiber in a serving as cooked kale has in a 1/2 cup serving.

Nutritionists recommend that of your daily fiber intake, 30 percent should include soluble fibers. Soluble fiber in celery consists of pectin, gum, and mucilage compounds which when digested, absorb water to form a thick protective barrier along the digestive tract.

This barrier can aid in the prevention of serious disorders such as gastritis – an inflammation or erosion of the lining of the stomach. If left untreated it can lead to severe loss of blood, stomach ulcers and increased risk of stomach cancer. Sounds pretty important, right?


5. Calms the Gastrointestinal Tract:

As well as protective, soluble fiber, celery contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents which are proven to decrease the risk of oxidative damage to essential body fats and blood vessel walls.

The phytochemicals in celery also prevent swelling and tissue inflammation, a primary source of pain in older adults. These healthy chemicals also rev up the body’s natural defenses by ramping up white blood cells which fight malicious bacteria – including carcinogens.


6. Prevents constipation and painful blockages:

As mentioned above, raw celery aids in constipation and can substantially influence a healthy digestive routine. It is important to make sure you are staying hydrated as the fibers in celery are aided by the absorption of water.

As a great detoxifying agent, celery can help clear the colon of any excess or toxic buildup which often causes painful gas, diarrhea and even ulcers.


7. Celery Contains Cancer-Fighting Properties:

As I discussed in part 1 of this series, celery contains nutrient rich anti-inflammatory properties, which are essential in the fight against all kinds of cancers. More specifically luteolin, an active phyto-nutrient, inhibits platelets and suppresses inflammation that occurs in response to allergen and carcinogen exposure. This makes it harder for cancer to develop.

As we age, our metabolism decays, exposing our cells to a wide range of degenerative disease. Celery contains a balanced amount of both inhibitors and immune boosting vitamins that essentially act as a barrier against white blood cell damage.

8. Celery can Help Prevent Dementia:

The environmental toxins that can creep into our bodies only help to speed up the deterioration of healthy cells and threaten the function of our vital organs. One of the most vital of which is our brain!

By subsidizing our diets with nutrient-rich organics like celery, we can substantially reduce the wear and tear that causes dementia.

Surprisingly, celery is in the high end of the sodium spectrum when it comes to vegetables. But don’t let that scare you away. The high water and cellulose content in celery acts as a diuretic to flush the body of excess sodium and toxins, resulting in better blood flow to the brain, and thus – reduced inflammation.


9. Celery can Soften Pain from Gout and arthritis:

We all know the benefits of juicing, but few flock to celery as an ingredient for their liquid snacks. There are many forms of arthritis, the most common of which is osteoarthritis, a symptom of calcium deficiencies. Celery is actually a great source of calcium. Phosphorus, also present in the plant, helps in the maintenance of strong bones.

Gout is a complex form of arthritis that can cause great pain in and around the joints. When elevated levels of uric acid in the blood stream crystallize, they get trapped in the tissue and tendons surrounding joints. Celery is rich in the nutrients which flush uric acid from the body and can prevent these painful deposits.

Additional lifestyle changes that will help lower your blood pressure:

1. Change your diet and reduce your weight if you are overweight.

2. Consider a vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diet. Vegetarians show very little signs of hypertension. You don’t have to become a vegetarian, but adding more vegetables and complex carbohydrates to your diet as well as reducing your sodium intake will help reduce your blood pressure. And recent research indicates that eating more celery is beneficial in controlling hypertension. Keep in mind, though that celery can be toxic in great quantities.

3. Add fiber to your diet. A high fiber diet promotes healthy blood pressure.

4. Reduce or eliminate your alcohol intake.

5. Lower your fat intake.

6. Start an exercise program. Even half an hour of exercise can significantly impact your hypertension.

7. Add meditation or yoga to your daily routine.

8. Get a massage. Theraputic massage can provide an important component to overall well-being by promoting better sleep, improving concentration, and reducing anxiety.

9. Consider pet therapy. A study at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, showed that pet owners had significantly lower blood pressure when they were greeting their pet than when they were reading neutral text.

10. Consider Naturopathy as a way of life. Naturopathy focuses on the body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathy relies on a variety of techniques founded in ancient Indian, Chinese and Greek medicine. These include relaxation therapy, counseling and psychotherapy,herbal medicine, nutrition counseling, physical therapy and homeopathy.

11. Do not smoke.
Living an active, healthy life can considerably lower your blood pressure and eliminate your need for pharmacological intervention. Having some celery for high blood pressure is a perfect natural remedy as well.


(1) http://www.livestrong.com/article/120254-celery-juice-high-blood-pressure

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