7 Essential Oils to Soothe Your Bug Bites Fast

7 Essential Oils to Soothe Your Bug Bites Fast

You want to spend more time outside when the weather gets warmer, but doing so exposes you to a variety of insects that can bite and sting. Since bug bites are painful and irritating, you should treat the symptoms as soon as you can to guarantee relief.

During the summer, there are a lot of bugs that can cause issues. The most prevalent pests are horse flies, ticks, chiggers, mosquitoes, and bee stings. These pests can cause pain for days with their bites and stings.

All of the above-mentioned bug bites are irritating, and essential oils help. It's critical to apply the oil as soon as you become aware of the bite to minimize any potential symptoms. If necessary, reapply the oil every two hours to stop any further symptoms.

Making an essential oil mixture ahead of time for bug bites is a great idea, according to a lot of people, as it will ensure that you are prepared for any bites or stings that you or anyone else in your home may receive. To ensure that a mixture is always ready, you can prepare it in a spray bottle.

Using Essential Oils for Bug Bites

Since essential oils can be irritating to the skin, it is important to first dilute them before use. There are a number of carrier oil options, such as jojoba oil, coconut oil and olive oil that work to nourish the skin while the essential oil soothes the symptoms of the bug bite.


Read the dilution instructions on the back of the essential oils bottle to ensure that you are using the right ratio of essential oils to the carrier oil. Remember that if you use more than one essential oil in your mixture, that you should dilute them separately before combining to ensure safety.


1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender has a reputation for being calming and relaxing and these qualities are largely responsible for its ability to soothe bug bites. This versatile oil also works to repel certain bugs that may bite you, such as mosquitoes and ticks. A few drops diluted in a carrier oil can be applied directly to the offending bite.


2. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

This oil has a number of uses because there are many different species. Its use for bug bites is thanks to the Aborigines in Australia who started to use this oil to soothe small skin issues, such as scrapes, cuts and bug bites. When choosing a eucalyptus essential oil, make sure that you are using one that is a therapeutic grade to get the best results. You can also use this oil as a way to repel a number of outdoor pests to prevent bites from occurring.


3. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is well-known for its ability to promote skin health and the health of the immune system. The species that works best for skin issues, such as bug bites, is found in many areas throughout the world, including Australia, Guatemala, China, France and Florida.

It is important to use an unadulterated oil as much as possible to get the most beneficial effects and to prevent any negative effects. When this oil is changed too much, it means that chemicals are added that can cause further skin issues instead of relieving them.


4. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is mostly used for digestive complaints and to help with issues that affect the sinuses and respiratory system. However, research shows that it can also take the sting and the itch out of various bug bites when applied directly to the skin. Use this along with a carrier oil that does not have a strong smell, such as olive oil, so that it is diluted without overpowering the peppermint aspect of the oil.

This oil can be applied directly to various bites and stings as long as it is properly diluted per the instructions on the bottle. 


5. Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oil has several dozen uses with one of the most popular being helping you to cope with bug bites. It can also help to repel a number of bugs during the summer, especially mosquitoes. You can mix this oil with others, such as peppermint, lavender and tea tree oil to make the positive effects on bug bites more intense for times when a bite is severely itchy or irritated.

Just make sure to properly dilute this oil when you use it alone or as a mixture to prevent skin irritation.


6. Basil Essential Oil

This popular herb tastes great and it also makes for an effective and versatile essential oil. It has a strong scent and it is most commonly used to help with tight muscles so that you can relax and have less pain. Throughout history, people have used this oil for various digestive and respiratory ailments.

Recently, people have learned that applying this oil directly to a bug bite or sting helps to alleviate the irritating symptoms. Make sure that you dilute it properly and the best carrier oil for basil is olive oil.


7. Thyme Essential Oil

This antiseptic essential oil helps to calm bug bites, as well as help to prevent them from getting infected. It contains a chemical called thymol that produces the antiseptic effects and this also helps to soothe your bug bites and stings. You can mix this oil with eucalyptus essential oil to improve the soothing effects.

You may need to experiment to determine which essential oil is most soothing for your bug bites. Some people benefit by mixing at least two of these oils together to make a bug bite concoction. Just make sure that you are safely and properly using essential oils to get the most benefit and to prevent issues like skin irritation.

You should also be mindful of the oils that you use on children, the elderly and pregnant women to ensure that everything is done as safely as possible.


 Credits: HeartySoul

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