5 Tips To Reduce Hormonal Acne Breakout

5 Tips To Reduce Hormonal Acne Breakout

Let me start by telling you that I do not accept the diagnosis of "hormonal acne." However, I do think that fluctuating hormone levels can exacerbate acne, but only as a trigger for breakouts and not as the disorder itself.

Exacerbations of inflammatory disorders of all kinds occur during menstrual cycles for the majority of our clients. Moving from chronic or constant breakouts to those that occur only during their periods is actually one of the first steps toward their recovery. This is quite a leap.

5 Tips For Blemish-Free Skin

For folks with chronic or severe acne, the following will probably not make much difference until you get to the root cause of the problem. For some people with an occasional breakout or blemish, the following 5 fixes may be helpful to try to maintain blemish-free skin all month or before important social events.


1. Eliminate Coffee

Coffee, while having some health benefits may mess with many people’s stress hormones which will then affect the sex hormones. Cortisol, triggers more sebum production which can block pores. This will, in susceptible folks, trigger an inflammatory response which can aggravate acne.

It can also result in red and dry  patchy combination skin. A month trial is necessary to establish whether or not this intervention will be helpful for you. I mentioned a short time ago a connection between coffee and eczema as well as other skin disorders. This is definitely worth a try.


2. Avoid Anti-Aging Product 7-10 Days Before Your Period

Reason? They may clog pores during a phase that your body is producing more sebum. This can easily result in adult or “hormonal” acne labels.


3. Get Tested For Food Allergies

Get tested by someone for food allergies no scratch tests, please. If you cannot afford testing consider at least eliminating dairy and gluten for a month or two and see if there is a decrease in your breakouts.


4. Increase Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Such as salmon, nuts, and seeds, avocados, red grapes (not too many), and leafy greens. Always be well hydrated.


5. Supplement

Find out if you have any nutritional deficiencies. If you are deficient in something it is very stressful on the body.  At the very least consider supplementing with extra B vitamins, zinc, vitamin C, and salmon oil!

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