3 Ways To Spot An Undercover Narcissist

3 Ways To Spot An Undercover Narcissist

A narcissist may harbor resentment toward those who achieve greater success than they do. Popular and intelligent people are seen by them as a danger to their identity and the way they are perceived by others.

Narcissists are typified by their dominance, haughtiness, self-centeredness, and manipulation of others for their own benefit. They are typically unaffected by other people. Typically, they show very little concern or empathy.

They have a strong wish to be liked by individuals whom they see to be inferior to them, but particularly by people they consider superior. When liked, the narcissist’s emotions of superiority will likely explode.

Humans are good at keeping our emotions and feelings close to the vest. While social networks are making the sharing of secrets more common, narcissists have and will always love getting out in the open just to get everyone’s attention.

It can be annoying and sometimes difficult to socialize with a narcissist. They monopolize people’s time, keep the conversation focused on them and have no problem sharing all of their greatest achievements in a “what have you done lately?” way. When we are around a narcissist, it can feel as if everything revolves around them.

Vulnerability and arrogance are trademarks of a true narcissist. They are adept at playing the character necessary to focus the attention on them. Narcissists are not usually shy about their wish to be the center of attention, and it’s pretty common knowledge they like to speak about themselves to make them seem more important or relevant than they are.

So what’re we to do? How can we protect ourselves from narcissists if they are so proficient at slipping into our daily lives unnoticed?



Emotionally, spiritually, physically; seduction is a narcissist’s tool. Narcissists play on heightened emotions to engage you in behaviors that benefit them. Narcissists gather people that will serve their need to be the center of attention, whether this is through a romantic relationship, a close friendship or a strategic partnership. They make being with them fun and exciting at first, and then they shift the focus of the relationship onto them and their needs.



They get you hooked fast through sweet talk and a false sense of interest. That is how they build trust and form a bond. It enables them to use us emotionally once the real motive of the relationship becomes clear.

Among the simpler ways to find a hidden narcissist is to look for simple signs that show somebody only appears worried if something or someone will affect their image. Narcissists struggle with maintaining the “right kind” of associations because appearances are everything to them, and they care what other people think about them.

Take note of your friends’ feelings when you recommend something. Undercover narcissists could harshly react when they don’t agree with you or when criticized. Saying no to a narcissist could be interpreted as them being discarded, and negative behaviors will often manifest.


Sick and tired of listening to your friend’s endless designer buys? Narcissists place an importance on material things. They like to talk about the amazing things they have and do so in a way that hints they may be better than us. However, it’s just a way to inflate their self-worth.

If a narcissist feels they do not quite measure up to the people around them in term of fame or status, they start talking about money. Money to them is a way of elevating their standing and their importance.

Keep in mind, they always want to be number one. Thus, anybody who threatens their perceived place can cause narcissists to behave in rude and dismissive ways to protect their self-esteem.

Beware when you hear somebody change gears mid-discussion from their brand-new car to just how much they spent on that car. They are not trying to discuss their financial situation; they are using money and status to make them seem important.

Individuals who are successful, attractive, intelligent or popular will most likely receive the most attention from the narcissist since the narcissist aims to build their self-image.

These are only a few ways a narcissist might behave before we develop a relationship with them. Once a narcissist is certain he has captured us, he’ll use us to further his agenda and build his self-worth.

The best way to flush out a narcissist is to listen to your gut. If something seems off when you meet an overly-enthusiastic person who wants to be best friends immediately, then it probably is.

Most people understand that relationships take time to develop, but a narcissist usually wants results immediately. Use that as a clue and take things slow. Time will tell the true intentions of any person.

Original article and credits: powerofpositivity


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