2 Powerful Ingredients That Clean Up Your Body From Parasites And Reduces Fat Deposition

2 Powerful Ingredients That Clean Up Your Body From Parasites And Reduces Fat Deposition

It's likely that you've had sweet tooth cravings before. But as long as it doesn't occur too frequently, there's no need to be concerned. Specifically, some people appear to have a persistent sweet tooth.

Stress and parasites in your body are the two main causes of a sweet tooth that could turn into an addiction.

Consuming a lot of sugary foods in an attempt to quell a craving leads to the buildup of excess mucus in the body, which provides the ideal environment for bacteria and fungus to proliferate. This implies that having parasites in your intestines that are feeding on the extra mucus drains your energy.

In this situation, you crave for anything sweet. Moreover, the more parasites you have, the more fat is deposited in your body, because these horrible parasites love to live in fat deposits. Once you get rid of these parasites, you will be amazed at how much more energy you will have!

What’s more, all you need to prepare the recipe that will help you eliminate these parasites are two ingredients– cloves, and linseed!



  • 100 grams of linseed
  • 10 grams of dried cloves


Method of preparation:

Grind these ingredients into some kind of grinder until you get a powder form.



You may drink the powder with warm filtered water, or you can add it to your breakfast. You need to take 2 tablespoons every morning for 3 days.

After 3 days, take a 3- day break and start all over again. You should do this for approximately a month. Moreover, in order to keep parasites away, you should repeat this cleansing procedure several times a year.

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