Wash Your Face with Coconut Oil and Baking Soda 3 times a Week, and This Will Happen in a Month ! (Video)

Wash Your Face with Coconut Oil and Baking Soda 3 times a Week, and This Will Happen in a Month ! (Video)

Nowadays, people spend a small fortune on cosmetics, including moisturizers, face creams, masks, and cleansers. Unfortunately, harmful chemicals like phthalates—which are frequently sold unlabeled—are present in the majority of skin care products. In animal studies, some of the chemicals studied, particularly phthalates, have been linked to altered pregnancy outcomes, lower sperm counts, and male genital birth abnormalities. Even though there isn't conclusive proof of the precise impacts on humans, these findings should raise some alarm.

“The concerns that are focused around this particular chemical [class] have arisen from a series of tests and studies that have been released recently that point to significant potential health concerns,” explains Sujatha Jahagirdar, an environmental advocate with Environment California.

“There are industry trade secrets and formulations that for industry reasons are kept from the consumer,” notes Elizabeth Sword, executive director of the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition. “This prevents the consumer from making fully informed decisions.”

The good news is that it turns out that there are two inexpensive and common ingredients which get the job done naturally and safely. Let`s go over their health benefits first!

Coconut Oil: It offers a wide range of health benefits, which are not limited to skin care only!  While it is used as base in many skin care products like soaps and creams, its health benefits go far beyond moisturizing the skin and treating skin-related issues like psoriasis, acne, eczema, infections, and dermatitis. Coconut oils also helps improve hair`s quality, remove dandruff, and stimulate hair growth.  Studies show that it boosts immunity and protects against various diseases and illnesses, supports weight loss, improves digestion and prevents stomach-related problems, provides relief from inflammation caused by candida, relieves stress, and much more.


Baking Soda: This alkaline substance has a lot to offer when it comes to skin care! First, it reduces the occurrence of breakouts by regulating skin`s pH level.  It has the ability to relieve blisters or sunburns thanks to its soothing properties that alleviate itching.  It notably improves skin`s complexion too, maintaining clear and even skin.  This simple ingredient helps you look amazingly from head to toe, while improving your overall health at the same time.



  • 2 tbsp baking soda
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil



  1. Put the baking soda into a bowl and crush the larger pieces using a spoon. Aim at making it as smooth as possible
  2. Add the coconut oil to the bowl and mix well to create a paste



  1. Wash the face using circular motions.  Apply the mixture and leave it on for a couple of minutes before washing it off with cool water.  Repeat the procedure three times a week.
  2. Within a short period of time, your skin will become pimple free, soft, and glowing.  Additionally, this mixture will remove wrinkles partially or completely, so you will never have to buy anti-ageing products again.


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