Top 20 Reasons Why Moringa Is Amazing For Your Health

Top 20 Reasons Why Moringa Is Amazing For Your Health

You've come to the right place if you're looking for a miraculous plant that can be used medicinally in a variety of ways and is a great health promoter. Your dreams may come true if you consume the fabled "Tree of Life" or Moringa oleifera!

Therefore, please continue reading if you need to treat serious medical issues like allergies, anxieties, depression, diabetes, cancer risk, infertility, heart and blood pressure issues, or you simply want to increase your energy.

You'll learn how to use the moringa plant effectively as well as its many health advantages! Can you believe that the moringa plant is said to be able to treat about 300 different diseases in traditional Ayurvedic medicine? Take a look for yourself.

What Is Moringa?

MORINGA NAMES – Moringa or a “miracle tree” has several names, according to the Wikipedia source – its widely used names are: drumstick tree (moringa has long seed-pods), horseradish tree (the taste of moringa is similar to that of a horseradish), ben oil tree, or benzoil tree (moringa oil is extracted from the moringa seeds).

Other, perhaps less known names of the moringa plant are: “kelor, “kalor,“sigru, “malunggay. In the various parts of the world, it apparently has various names – to name a few, in Hindi it is called “sahijan or in Tamil it is called “munaga rungai while it’s Punjabi name is “sanjina. Moringa is perceived as one of the most useful plants. Moringa is therefore also called an elixir tree” or “the medicine cabinet of mother nature” for the facts that all of the moringa parts (moringa seeds, moringa flowers, moringa leaves and moringa buds) can be used both for medicinal and nutritional purposes.

Top 20 Reasons Why Moringa Is Amazing For Your Health


Moringa tree is well known in the traditional medicinal use of Africa and Asia but moringa’s recently discovered medicinal treasures are fairly lately being used in America and in Europe.

The uniqueness of the moringa plant is to be found in its medicinal and healing properties but also in the fact that it is an ecologically efficient plant used to combat deforestation and so contributes to the preservation of our planet! Moringa trees thrive best in dry and sandy areas and are not easily affected by drought.



According to various sources, the moringa plant is presently cultivated predominantly in India. However, Africa, Cambodia, Carribean Islands, Pakistan, Phillipines, Taiwan and Thailland are its important producers. Even though it is for the most part grown in Asian tropical and subtropical climates, the U.S. and Mexico value maringa tree for its medicinal and nutritional properties.



Increasing interest in the production of moringa tree is founded in certain scientific studies on moringa health and medicinal benefits – the studies claim that 30 grams of moringa supposedly contains seven oranges worth on vitamin C, four carrots worth on vitamin A, three bananas worth on potassium and four glasses of milk worth on calcium! Moringa is thus a super food that not only provides us with the vitamins that we need, but also improves our overall health too.

Being packed with nutrients, moringa is obviously an extremely rich source of calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc, and of vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, D, E and K. As mentioned previously, all of the moringa tree parts are equally useful: moringa seeds, moringa leaves, moringa flowers, moringa pods.

To illustrate the potency of the moringa plant, here is a nutritional value overview of what a portion of maringa leaves contains:


Moringa plant portion:

  • Amino-acids 18
  • Antioxidants 46
  • Anti-inflammatory agents 36
  • Nutrients 92

Moringa tree parts are predominantly edible – some use the pods for cooking, while others eat the leaves or roots. Moringa oil can be extracted from the moringa seeds. The moringa plant flowers are similar to mushrooms. The leaves can be prepared as spinach, or can be used as dried additives to soups and other meals. The pods can be eaten fresh while roots can be used as a horseradish sauce.


Moringa leaves

Moringa leaf is, according to some, the most nutritious part of the moringa tree. In traditional African medicine, the moringa leaves are used for malnutrition treatment and for reduction of blood sugar levels.


Moringa seeds

Experiments have shown that moringa seeds attract particles of dirt, bacteria and chemical products when planted in pots. It is assumed that they instigate the same process in our blood stream by extracting toxins in order to detoxify our bodies!

When eaten raw, moringa seeds are used for the treatment of liver and spleen problems and are equally good for joint pain. Additionally, the moringa seeds have high contents of fiber and proteins and are therefore good in treating diarrhea and malnutrition. Moringa seeds are effective against skin-infections and are a potent antibiotic and a fungicide.


Moringa pods

Seem to be the tastiest part of the tree. Regular consumption of moringa pods in combination with honey and moringa flowers is claimed to positively affect our libido.


Moringa flowers

Moringa flowers’ juice improves the quality and flow of breast milk in nursing. Further, the moringa flower juice is helpful with urinary problems and can stimulate urin disposal. Haitians boil moringa flowers and make tea for cold treatments.


Moringa roots and bark

The roots and bark are used for heart and circulatory problems. The bark is also an appetizer and a digestive. Maringa roots mashed and mixed with salt can be applied in rheumatism treatments. The same type of moringa roots paste can be used for treating kidney and lower back pains.


Moringa gum

Just as the moringa flowers, the moringa gum is diuretic. It is also used against astma (caution with gum use is recommended in cases of pregnancy).


Moringa oil

Moringa oil is used for prostate and bladder issues, scurvy and allegedly even for hysteria! Moringa oil treats stomach complaints. Surely enough, moringa oil is also good for hair treatments and it is applied both in perfumes and as hair oil.


What Are the Top 20 Health Benefits of Moringa?

Moringa acts as an immune system and energy booster and can even prevent the risk of certain diseases. Its versatility can go from treating skin diseases, diabetes or sleeping problems to combating cancer and AIDS!


Here selected are the most impressive 20 moringa health benefits:

1. Moringa is a potent energy booster

2. Moringa stimulates metabolism

3. Moringa burns fat and builds muscles

4. Moringa reduces fat

5. Moringa builds and recovers muscles

6. Moringa protects skin, nails, hair, teeth and bones

7. Moringa protects eyesight

8. Moringa reduces cholesterol and hypertension

9. Moringa combats diabetes

10. Moringa stimulates digestion

11. Moringa revitalises memory capacity 

12. Moringa keeps good mental balance

13. Moringa regulates thyroid

14. Moringa protects heart

15. Moringa treats stomach ulcers

16. Moringa acts as diuretic and protects our kidneys

17. Moringa combats cancer

18. Moringa treats anemia

19. Moringa provides sexual potency

20. Moringa protects liver


What Are Moringa Benefits for Your Skin?

Moringa is said to be good for our skin too! Why exactly? For the fact that moringa contains high concentration of tyrosine (crucial in melanin production), calcium, and copper, that are perceived as important nutrients for healthy skin. When it comes to various skin treatments, moringa is a true life saver, as shown here below:

  • Moringa stops wound bleeding by the application of fresh leaves.
  • Moringa has an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect when it is applied to insect bites.
  • Moringa can be used against bacterial or fungal skin complaints.
  • Moringa can treat minor skin cuts and bruises.
  • Moringa body butter is beneficial for reducing skin dryness and leaves the skin smooth and moisturized.


What Are Moringa Benefits for Your Hair?  

Here are several major benefits of moringa oil for your healthy hair:

Moringa promotes hair growth and fights against hair lossmoringa B vitamins are crucial in stimulating healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration

Moringa cures hair dryness and moisturizes hair moringa oil is surely beneficial to our scalp and its regular use can prevent scalp and hair dryness

Moringa eradicates hair dandruff – rich in zinc, moringa will stimulate sebum production and, being packed with vitamin A, will prevent scalp and hair dryness and subsequently eradicate dandruff.


Are There Any Moringa Benefits for Your Weight Loss?

Supporters of moringa products will claim that moringa is a miracle plant for weight loss while others might have a somewhat moderate stand on the issue of moringa benefits for weight loss.

In any case, as it is full with nutrients and anti-oxidants, whether used is capsules or as moringa powder for weight loss, it will surely contribute to our weight loss if combined with proper diet and exercise regime.

Moringa proponents will name the following moringa weight loss benefits:

  • It is full of fiber so it makes us fill eat less
  • It prevents constipation
  • It prevents blood sugar fluctuations, thus, reduces the chances of sudden cravings for certain foods
  • Contains anti-oxidants that act as fat burners


How to Consume Moringa?

Moringa can be made into pastas, breads and porridges as it increases the nutritional value of our meals. What is more, moringa products are various and are offered as: moringa leaf powder, moringa capsules, moringa tea, moringa vitamin supplements.

Moringa capsules reviews are positive proclaiming the moringa capsules to be safe. It is recommendable to consume the moringa capsules or moringa B vitamins twice a day. Moringa tea bags are rather convenient for use and can be a good vitamin supplement.

Now that you have discovered the potential of the moringa plant and its energizing effects, you might even opt to use it for your overall health improvement. However, it is wise to consult your doctor before you decide to include Moringa products into your diet!


Are There Any Moringa Side Effects?

There are no proven or officially reported side effects of moringa organic products so if you are not in the category of people described here below, you might take advantage of moringa’s health and energy boosting benefits….


Caution tips

Despite the impressive moringa benefits, it is necessary to add that some caution measures are recommended in cases of pregnancy or breastfeeding (there are some contradicting statements whereby some say it is good for milk production while others say it might stop it!).

Additionally, some claim that moringa might affect one’s fertility and due to its astringent properties can cause miscarriages. Moringa can assist people with allergies as it has anti-histaminic properties but strangely enough, there are some cases of moringa allergy and strong reactions to moringa products.

Naturally, it is then advisable to stop moringa usage and consult your doctor once again. For some, moringa can be ideal for their health and for others, it is a less recommendable choice.


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