This Ancient Ginger And Garlic Soup Recipe Beats The Flu, Common Cold, Excess Mucus And Sinus Infections

This Ancient Ginger And Garlic Soup Recipe Beats The Flu, Common Cold, Excess Mucus And Sinus Infections

We need to be careful about what we eat and how we eat when the colder months approach in order to protect ourselves from the bacteria that can arise during that period.

That's why we're sharing with you this fantastic recipe for a soup we like to refer to as "medicine in a cup". This miracle soup will shield you from all hazardous microorganisms and keep your body stocked with nutrients all winter.

Every item we ingest has, according to traditional Chinese medicine, a connection to a certain bodily function or organ.

This implies that no two organisms or bodies are alike, and neither are any two individuals. One of the reasons you should pay attention to and comprehend the signals your body provides you through its indications and symptoms and provide it with the necessities is because of this.

Our bodies can benefit from the warming properties of ginger. When you think of summer, you probably think about how we eat foods like tomatoes and cucumbers, which can help us stay cool.

But during the winter, we want to eat foods that will warm us up instead of the reverse, such as hearty soups, cinnamon, and ginger.

This recipe is a mix of ginger and garlic, and adding the garlic into the soup makes a perfect combo. Therefore, the soup is able to protect you from cold, flu, sinus infections and many other diseases that can be easily caught during the cold winter months.

This is the recipe we told you about, the perfect combo of Ginger & Garlic, that can provide warming, wholesome and hearty effects and still taste delicious.


  • Two cloves of garlic, peeled and finely diced
  • Four green onions, also finely sliced
  • Seven cups of chicken stock or broth (for vegetarians – vegetable stock)
  • 50g of grated root ginger, finely sliced too
  • And last but not least, one finely diced hot or medium-hot chili
  • Chopped or whole mushrooms (optional)



1. Put the Garlic, onions, mushrooms (if there are any) and the ginger in a big pan and put it on low heat for a few minutes, and saute them.

2. Add the whole stock and continue to boil.

3. Stir very gently, until all of the ingredients become soft.

4. Last add the chopped chili, and stir for another 5 minutes. Then you can serve the soup while it is warm. Combine it with lemon water and crusty bread. This will provide more anti-bacterial effects and improve your digestion too.

And there you have a tasty and hot winter meal, share it with your friends and family let them know how to protect themselves during the cold winter months.

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