The Oil that Removes Uric Acid From the Blood, Cures Anxiety and Stops Alcohol and Cigarette Cravings

The Oil that Removes Uric Acid From the Blood, Cures Anxiety and Stops Alcohol and Cigarette Cravings

Columbus set sail westward in a futile effort to find the fabled spice islands of Asia.

One spice he sought in particular was Black Pepper.

Black pepper was so highly valued in antiquity that it was even used as money, yet today it is woefully underappreciated (perhaps because it can be found on practically every restaurant table in America).

The fact is that black pepper, and specifically black pepper essential oil, has great health benefits that you probably weren't aware of.

The way in which black pepper is consumed affects the benefits of the essential oil. It may be consumed, rubbed on the body, or inhaled aromatically. Let's examine these three methods of using black pepper essential oil in more detail, along with the advantages each one offers.

Black pepper essential oil has various remedial properties and the most important among them are expectorant, febrifuge, antioxidant, diuretic, anti-arthritic, circulatory, analgesic, antibacterial, stimulant, anthelmintic, antiseptic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, laxative, aphrodisiac, anticatarrhal, rubefacient, anti-inflammatory and carminative.


When consumed Orally (try adding it to your BBQ or favorite steak sauce) Black Pepper Essential oil provides powerful antioxidants called Sesquiterpenes.  These antioxidants help promote sweating and urination (two common ways your body uses to expel toxins).  This prized spice from India is also great at promoting healthy digestion as it increases bile and other acidic juices in the stomach, which help break down and process food efficiently.



Another way Black Pepper Essential oil can be used is topically.  Due to its extensive warming sensation it must be used in moderation and/or with a carrier oil.  However, this extreme warming makes it ideal for muscle relaxation when added to a massage oil.  It’s antispasmodic and muscle relaxing properties make it ideal for individuals suffering from pulls, cramps. The antioxidant properties of black pepper essential oil remove toxins like uric acid from the blood, benefiting those suffering from chronic arthritis, rheumatism, and gout.



In addition to relaxing the body physically, Black Pepper Essential oil helps relax the mind.  When used Aromatically (often in conjunction with other oil such as Juniper, Cedar wood, Lavender and Frankincense) it can be so effective at easing mental stress, study’s have demonstrated its ability to help people cope with the stress of smoking cessation (Rose JE, Behm FM. Nicotine Research Laboratory (151-s)V.A. Medical Center Durham, NC 27705).

As you see adding Black Pepper Essential oil to your life can help both your mind and body find the health and relaxation it craves.

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