Scientists Have Proven That Negativity Literally Makes Cancer Grow Inside The Body

Scientists Have Proven That Negativity Literally Makes Cancer Grow Inside The Body

Have you experienced betrayal or hurt? Have you ever been so resentful of someone or something that you were unable to imagine ever forgiving them? It's possible that you've mentally relived the incident or events repeatedly. Your emotions grow stronger, and you start to feel worse about them and yourself with every repetition. There is proof that carrying these feelings around can be detrimental to your well-being. So, the topic of forgiveness comes up top on this blog!


Forgiveness from a clinical perspective is the process of relinquishing one’s feeling of resentment and thoughts of vengeance. Forgiveness also includes the process of fostering compassion, generosity, and even love towards those who have inflicted pain.


It is evident that this is not an easy task. Doctors will surely advise you that you will require more time to heal if your wounds are deep and you have experienced multiple traumas. However, I think it's necessary and possible to forgive. I'll explain why.


There was a dearth of research on the effects of forgiveness on our health more than fifteen years ago. Fortunately, hundreds of scientific papers and clinicians are available to us at this time to share their expertise.


Forgiveness Improves Your Life

Let us start with the impact of staying angry, being frustrated or feeling negative about an event. Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, says that holding onto these negative emotions creates a chronic state of anxiety. This produces a predictable excess of adrenaline and cortisol, which deplete the production of natural killer cells. These cells are your protection against cancer. If you refuse to forgive it not only makes you sick but can keep you that way.


Since we are on the topic of cancer, a neat randomized controlled trial with over 83 cancer patients evaluated feelings of forgiveness, pessimism, and self-acceptance after taking a course in self-forgiveness. The course taught techniques such as reflection, expressive writing etc.  As expected, the patients that took the course had statistically significant higher scores for self-forgiveness, acceptance, self-improvement, and lower pessimism scores compared to the control group.


Forgiveness Helps You Feel Better About Yourself

If you think of an old memory of being mistreated, hurt, or offended you automatically start to feel unwell. The fact is that there are immediate emotional and/or physiological responses that occur when you are having these memories. These responses include:

  • Your blood pressure increases
  • Your muscles tighten
  • You start to swell

These are all signs of stress and anxiety. Recent studies show that participants who practice empathy and forgiveness to those who do them wrong have a lowered stress response. To further deepen this point, roughly 1,500 Americans who forgave reported greater satisfaction with their lives, less distress symptoms, less nervousness, and less sadness.


Forgiveness even helps in cases of severe emotional abuse. Women were placed into two treatment groups; the first using techniques such as anger validation, assertiveness, interpersonal skill building, and the second using forgiveness. Women in the forgiveness group had significant improvements in depression scores, post-traumatic stress symptom, self-esteem, less anxiety, and better overall mastery of their life. Months later all these gains were still present! YAY! Forgiveness is powerful!

One controlled study assessed 78 medicated HIV patients for feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of forgiveness. Participants who truly forgave had higher percentages of CD4 immune cancer-fighting cells!


The improvement of blood pressure and cardiovagal tone is yet another benefit of forgiveness. Researchers have been able to show that forgiveness has a cardioprotective effect on the heart. While anger, is cardiotoxic, which damages the heart muscle.


One study found that forgiveness of interpersonal transgressions is related to better sleep. While staying resentful, angry or even keeping hostile feelings around relate to a poorer quality of sleep.


The list goes on and on. The health benefits of forgiveness are monumental. Now that you have some facts, think and devise a forgiveness plan. Start by forgiving yourself, and then move onto forgiving others. If you do not know how to forgive, contact a spiritual psychotherapist or psychologist in your area for help.


It is time to let go of past grievances. It is time to feel lighter. It is time to be free of the past to create space for a brighter present!


This amazing guest post was written by Dr. Andreia Horta, ND and Dr. Emily Lipinski, ND, founders of Infusion Health

The unique effects of forgiveness on health: an exploration of pathways.Lawler KA, Younger JW, Piferi RL, Jobe RL, Edmondson KA, Jones WH – J Behav Med – April 1, 2005; 28 (2); 157-67


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