Scientists Discover Root That Can Kill 98% Of Cancer Cells In Only 48 Hours

Scientists Discover Root That Can Kill 98% Of Cancer Cells In Only 48 Hours

All parties involved in the search for a better cancer treatment—scientists, researchers, and suffering patients—are doing so. Numerous people and their families have experienced the agony of this degenerative illness. Many people have found relief from chemotherapy, but it is a slow, difficult process with no assurance that it will be worthwhile. The

Along with all of the body's normal, required cells, radiation also kills malignant cells. This approach hurts the victim in some way in order to heal them. It makes sense that doctors are looking for a more effective solution.

Science was directed by this eagerly anticipated investigation to discover anti-cancer capabilities right outside your door! I really do mean this. This innovative and promising medicine was discovered by researchers at the Windsor Regional Cancer Center in Ontario, Canada, to be dandelions!

Dandelion For Killing Cancer Cells

John Di Carlo was seventy-two when he was battling leukemia. After grueling but noneffective treatments, he was brought home to settle his affairs and spend his final days with his family. As a last resort, he cancer clinic tossed him a suggestion to drink dandelion root tea. Carlo listened dutifully, and four months later, he was in remission. He has been living cancer-free for the past three years. (1)


The Groundbreaking Study

Dandelion root extract has been used in tradition Chinese medicine to heal various ailments from digestive issues to hepatitis to anorexia. This common weed has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-carcinogenic benefits.

Dr. Caroline Hamm, Dr. Pamela Ovadje, and Dr. Siyaram Pandey assessed this miraculous plant against aggressive human chronic myelomonocytic leukemia cells. The researchers treated the cells with increased concentrations of the dandelion root extract. The cells with the DRE showed a reduced ability to rejuvenate and grew at a slower pace, leading to cell death, compared to the untreated cells. The cancer cells were disintegrating after 48 hours!

Unlike chemotherapy that does not discriminate between the cancerous and the healthy cells, the extract only attacked the leukemia cells and strengthened the immunity of the necessary cells. (2)

Besides for leukemia, dandelion root extract has the potential to fight other cancers including, prostate, lung, colon, breast, liver, and lung cancer.

Dandelions For Health

Even for those fortunate enough to be cancer-free, this root can still be beneficial for other ailments.

  • Diabetes – The roots and stems stimulate the production of insulin, which stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • Digestive Issues – The vitamins and minerals in dandelions help cleanse the liver by filtering out impurities and increase the bile.
  • Prevent UTIs – Dandelions fight bacteria that causes this infection.
  • A Good Source of Vitamin A – With one cup of dandelion tea, you can fight premature aging, vision impairment, and respiratory infections.
  • Strengthens Bones and Source of Vitamin K –  This reduces the risk of bone fractures and improves their health. Also, dandelions prevent tooth decay, calcium deficiency, and muscle tension. (3)


Warning: Not Alongside Chemo

Dr. Hamm warns that dandelion root extract can negatively effect chemotherapy. If you are undergoing cancer treatment, consult with your medical practitioner about the supplements or food you are taking on a regular basis alongside your prescribed treatment.


(1) Marilyn Caylor. Scientists Find Root That Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Only 48 Hours Published:  September 21, 2016. Accessed: October 5, 2016.

CBC News. Dandelion tea touted as possible cancer killer:// Published: February 16, 2012. Accessed: October 5, 2016.

(2) Pamela Ovadje, Caroline Hamm, Siyaram Pandey. Efficient Induction of Extrinsic Cell Death by Dandelion Root Extract in Human Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML) Cells. Published: February 17, 2012. Accessed: October 5, 2016.

(3) Dr. Axe. Dandelion Tea for Liver Detox, Healthy Skin & Stomach. Accessed: October 5, 2016.

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