Rub This Homemade Magnesium Lotion On Your Skin To Help Relieve Pain In Minutes

Rub this homemade magnesium lotion on your skin to help relieve pain in minutes

I need to be cautious of three things because I go hiking after work every other day. Keeping hydrated comes first. The second is maintaining my skin's moisture and UV protection. Last but not least, I need to make sure that I give my body enough time to rest and heal. It seems pretty simple, right?

What if you could create something that would both soothe sore muscles and moisturize your skin? My trick is magnesium lotion.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the body’s most essential minerals. Every cell in your body needs magnesium. In fact, over 300 chemical reactions in the body make use of magnesium. The many benefits of magnesium include:

  • Maintains healthy bones
  • Keeps energy levels balanced
  • Promotes healing and soothing of inflammation and other injuries
  • Helps in the absorption of vitamin D from the sun
  • Promotes circulation
  • Can lower your risk of diabetes

There’s no doubt that this mineral is important. But the average American diet doesn’t give your body enough magnesium. The average adult only gets about 66% of their Daily Value of magnesium. Read this article to find out some of the most common signs of magnesium deficiency.

So how do we get enough magnesium? There’s one way to supplement your body with magnesium that you may not have thought of: topically.


Topical Magnesium

Did you know you can absorb nutrients and mineral through your skin? If you’ve ever heard of nicotine patches to help people quit smoking, it’s the same idea. Applying magnesium topically is a great way to reap the benefits of this mineral.

A study by Dr. Norman Shealy of the American Holistic Medical Association had participants use magnesium flake foot soaks and topically applied magnesium oil daily. It was found that after four weeks, 75% of participants displayed a significant increase in their body’s magnesium levels.

Instead of a store-bought moisturizer, try this natural moisturizing body butter instead. Not only does it moisturize and soothe muscles, it also acts as a more natural form of sunblock too! Shea butter and avocado oil have a natural SPF ranging from 4 – 10.


Homemade Moisturizing Magnesium Body Butter


Magnesium Oil

  • ½ cup magnesium flakes
  • 3 tablespoons boiling water

Magnesium Body Butter

  • ½ cup magnesium oil (see above)
  • ¼ cup avocado oil (alternatively, you can use sweet almond oil or unrefined coconut oil)
  • 2 tablespoons emulsifying wax
  • 3 tablespoons shea butter


Magnesium Oil

  1. Add boiling water and magnesium flakes to a container and stir to dissolve. Let it cool before continuing.

Magnesium Body Butter

  1. Using a small pot, fill it to about a ¼ with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce the heat to a simmer and fit a pyrex bowl (or a stainless steel mixing bowl) on top to make a double-boiler. Make sure that the bowl is not reaching the water.
  3. Add all ingredients except for the magnesium oil to the bowl and let them melt together. Remove the bowl from heat and let cool to room temperature.
  4. Using a hand blender, blend your mixture and slowly incorporate the magnesium oil.
  5. When well-mixed, cool in the fridge for 15 minutes. Blend again and now it’s ready!

Your magnesium body butter should keep for up to two months. For best results, store in the fridge for cooling relief.


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