Remove Toxins of the Body Through the Feet

Remove Toxins of the Body Through the Feet

You will feel and look better and healthier after taking a detox bath. This foot cleanse is fantastic for rejuvenating exhausted feet. Healthy feet are attractive feet, whether you wish to wear sandals, flip-flops, or just go barefoot. Particularly the warming and purifying ones, baths are very calming.


Try them before bed because they can make you tired. The dishes are straightforward and all-natural, and they improve health while also purging the skin of pollutants. Try these strategies:


1. Salt detox

1 Cup Epsom salt, 1 cup sea salt, 2 cups baking soda. In the water that boils, add the salt, Epsom and baking soda, in ¼ jar and put this aside. Fill up the tub with hot water and add ACV. Put the previous mix and some essential oil. Soak in this for 30 min and know with this detox bath, you will feel dizzy when getting out. Do this just when you need to sleep or rest. This is also great for skin issues and irritation and also for overall detox.

2. Clay detox bath

½ Cup bentonite clay, ½ cup Epsom, essential oil. Dissolve the Epsom in hot water bath and add the oils. For the clay try:1) in a bit of water mix the clay to see the clumps are smooth. NEVER use metal for this. Use plastic or wood. Add clay mix in the bath and soak 20 min. Or 2) make a paste of clay with a bit water. For mask, stand in the tub with water and rub clay mix over the body 5 min prior drying. When you soak, use cloth to scrub the dry parts. *Clay can bind to heavy metals and the Epsom aids in removal of toxins white it replenishes magnesium.


3. Oxygen detox bath

2 Cups hydrogen peroxide. 1 tbsp dry ginger powder. Fill the tub with hot water and add the hydrogen peroxide and ginger. Soak in this half an hour, congestion will be clears and body aches gone. Also it is good for allergies and irritated skin.


4. Feet pads detox

Such pads are of bamboo and tree extracts and are found in any health store. These pads are named detox patches and originate of Japan. If you put them prior sleeping, in the waking gup you will see the trick. With just 1 use the pads will be dark after 1 night. Some people reported less fatigue, more energy, less pain in joints and less headaches.

5. Ionic bath for foot

Bath for removal of feet toxins. These baths use electricity that makes positive and negative ions In warm and salty water. This is called electrolysis, method for using electrical current for making chemical reaction. Breaking water molecules down into ion of energy is seen in the salt water. Warm water opens up feet pores and salt acts like anti-inflammatory astringent , thus ions get absorbed and feet start the detox. The water color will change to muddy, darkish and even black. As a result of this salt acting with ionic cartridge, the color changes. It is not toxins leaving the body, wrongly thought.

More detox bath comments

  • Warmer water, better detox effect
  • If you have water with chlorine and fluorine, add some tbsp. bentonite clay to get all the chemicals there and not the skin
  • Any such natural item can be used alone or combined for cleansing
  • All recipes can be doubled and tripled for more achievement.


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