No One Knows That Toxic Mold is Hiding in Their Washing Machine! Here’s How to Get Rid Of It

No One Knows That Toxic Mold is Hiding in Their Washing Machine! Here’s How to Get Rid Of It

Your garments should smell good after being cleaned, disinfected, and dried in a washing machine. However, a buildup of bacteria-filled mold in many people's washing machines is preventing this from happening, giving your clothes a musty, moldy smell.

A washing machine is the ideal environment for mold growth. It gives mold a warm, moist environment to flourish in. Since most front-loading washing machines feature an airtight rubber barrier that keeps moisture inside the machine, they are particularly prone to mold formation.

Common indoor molds not only smell bad and look bad, but they can also harm your health in a number of ways. Due to the sensitivity of many people, exposure to mold can result in common allergic reactions such as congestion, itchy eyes, asthma, or skin irritation.

If people are seriously allergic to mold, or are exposed to it in larger amounts, mold can cause more harmful reactions. These can include fevers, shortness of breath or even mold infections in the lungs.

How To Get Rid Of Washing Machine Mold

Washing machine mold (and mold in general) can be a nuisance to get rid of. This is because even if you clean all of the mold that is visible to the naked eye, there is still a good chance that mold spores will survive and that you will be cleaning the same mold spot six months from now.


This is why it is important to use strong and effective antifungals and disinfectants when cleaning mold. However, many commercial mold cleaners are full of harmful chemicals that can damage your respiratory system and organs just as much as mold can.


This is why I’m going to show you how to completely kill all of the mold in your washing machine using two simple, all-natural ingredients.


Vinegar has been proven to be an antifungal that is more effective than many medically prescribed antifungals. It is also affordable and will not provide any adverse side effects, making it superior to commercial or medical antifungals in in terms of efficiency and safety.


Lemon juice has also been proven to be an effective antifungal and antibacterial substance. It has also been shown to be very effective disinfectant in water and moist conditions, making it perfect for cleansing your washing machine of mold. It will also leave a pleasant lemony-scent.


Mold Killing Lemon-Vinegar Mixture

Making and applying this mold-killing mixture is incredibly easy.

Mix one cup of distilled, white vinegar with a quarter cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Mix well, and pour into a spray bottle. Spray mold-infested areas heavily with this mixture and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes.

Dab a napkin with the mixture and then wipe down the area until the mold is completely gone.

Remember to check your washing machine every few months for signs of mold build up. 



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