How to Take Oolong Tea for Weight Loss

How to Take Oolong Tea for Weight Loss

In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, many turn to the wonders of nature to find remedies that not only promote well-being but also aid in weight loss. One such gem that has captured the attention of health enthusiasts is Oolong Tea. Renowned for its distinct taste and numerous health benefits, Oolong Tea has emerged as a powerful ally in the quest to shed those extra pounds. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of how to take Oolong Tea for weight loss, unlocking the full potential of this ancient elixir.


Benefits of Oolong Tea in Losing Weight:

Oolong tea has many benefits:

  • It is full of anti-oxidants that helps to boost up your metabolism by 10% or more for up to 2 hours after drinking oolong. It also helps to protect you from chronic diseases.
  • These anti-oxidants help to burn the fat more effectively and quickly (especially tummy and upper arm fat) that helps to lose weight and to have healthy immune system.
  • It naturally contains caffeine, which combined with the EGCGs in the tea will work together to raise the fat oxidation.
  • It helps to regulate the blood sugar levels and lowers your cravings.
  • It tastes good!
  • It contains polymerized polyphenols which helps to increase the body’s energy expenditure.
  • Polyphenols in the tea block the absorption of dietary fat and cholesterol by over 50% when taken 3 times a day.
  • It also helps to prevent obesity even while eating a high-fat diet. It reduces the abdominal fat and LDL cholesterol safely without any side effects.


How Much Oolong Tea is Needed?

Two cups of oolong tea every day is recommended for perfect weight loss. If possible, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.


Why Oolong Tea rather than Other Drinks:

For weight loss, try to substitute your daily latte with this aromatic, enticing cup of oolong tea. It burns excess fat and also prevents fat from returning. Oolong tea has less caffeine (compared to coffee) and tastes good without any extra sweeteners or milk. Finally it provides many additional wellness benefits.

Here are a few methods to follow:

Method – 1:

  • Mix a teaspoon of oolong tea powder to a cup of hot water.
  • Steep for about 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and allow it to cool slightly.
  • Sip it slowly and enjoy.
  • Drink regularly to see the benefits.

Method – 2:

  • Bring water to 190 – 200 degrees Fahrenheit on the stove.
  • Pour the water in a cup.
  • Fill a tea infuser with a teaspoon or two of loose oolong tea leaves for every cup of tea.
  • Place in the cup and allow it to steep for 2-6 minutes.
  • Drink this tea twice a day with meals to see the benefits.

Method – 3:

  • Add a tablespoon of both green tea and oolong tea to a cup of hot water.
  • Steep for about 5 – 10 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and allow it to cool.
  • Drink this tea twice a day (once in morning and once at evening or late afternoon).

Methods – 4:

  • Steep an oolong tea bag in boiled water for 1 1/2 minutes and cover.
  • Take out the tea bag and drink.
  • The teabag can be reused, but make sure you steep it for longer in another cup of hot water.
  • Regularly repeat for best results.


Best Oolong Tea for Weight Loss:

Best teas:

  • monkey picked
  • Nonpareil Taiwan li Shan,
  • Guang dong phoenix dan cong
  • Tsui yu jade
  • Dong ding
  • Chinese

Some of the varieties:

  • Amber
  • Da hong pao
  • Dancing oolong
  • Jade oolong
  • Darjeeling oolong
  • High mountain oolong
  • Tie guan yin
  • Milky oolong,
  • Oriental beauty
  • Pouching tea
  • Se chug oolong
  • Slimming tea,
  • Zhejiang
  • Sichuan


Green Oolong Tea for Weight Loss:

Green oolong tea has low levels of oxidation and is often described as green and floral. Prepare the tea using above methods


Dark or Black Oolong Tea:

Dark or black oolong is fully oxidized and a roasted form of tea that they are more of an acquired taste for westerners. Prepare the tea using above methods. Drink this tea 2 to 3 cups to lose weight.

Where to Buy Oolong Tea:

You can buy oolong either online or in specific shops. Some places online are: amazon, ebay, teavan, artoftea, adagio, etc. Also shops such as: trader joes, Ralphs and Albertsons, fair trade brand, twining brand, etc.


Tips to Reduce Weight Loss:

Beyond following the home remedies, follow these tips for an effective weight loss naturally without any side effects.

  1. Any extras you add to oolong tea like milk or sugar will bring calories to your drink.
  2. Drinking a cup of this tea 30 minutes to an hour prior to a workout will contribute to successful weight loss. Also enjoying a cup in the afternoon will prevent late day sweet desires and energy slumps.
  3. While drinking this tea, make sure you follow a low fat, low cholesterol diet and also maintain a regular workout routine, as these methods help each other.
  4. Do not steep for longer that is recommended on the packaging.
  5. Watch your daily caffeine intake.
  6. It helps to strengthen the immune system.
  7. Oolong tea can be flavoured or unflavoured. Ginger peach and plum oolong tea are popular in flavoured tea.
  8. You can purchase oolong tea either in tea bags or loose.



Oolong tea is consumed a lot could result in some side effects.

  1. Oolong tea contains naturally occurring fluorides. When you drank extreme amounts of tea means you’re exposed to dangerously high levels of fluorides that could lead to skeletal fluorosis.
  2. You could get some caffeine side effects like: increased heart rate, anxiety, restlessness, dehydration, difficulty in sleeping, diarrhea, PMS, tremors, depression, excessive urination and many more.
  3. It’s wise to check with your healthcare provider before you start taking oolong tea for weight management.
  4. Avoid consuming oolong tea if you’re pregnant, nursing women or are taking any prescription medications.
  5. Over consumption of this tea could cause hypokalemia, upset stomach, beriberi, kidney stones, decreases the effectiveness of medications, osteoporosis, tea allergy, etc.
  6. Oolong can also promote strong teeth, healthy body and makes the skin radiant and flawless.

Be patient and have regular consumption of oolong tea to lose the excess weight and have a happy and healthy life. Do you have any experience with oolong tea? Then please share with us.

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