How To Make Your Own Rooting Hormone

How To Make Your Own Rooting Hormone

How many times have we visited a friend who had a plant that we really liked and wanted to chop down and put in our garden? Or, while strolling up a mountain, we spotted some aromatic plants that we wanted to use in our garden for their beneficial qualities, or we just wanted to grow more plants in our own garden to give to others? Well, with today's video on making a natural rooting agent with lentils, we can accomplish all of this much more quickly and successfully.

Today we are going to see how we can make those cuttings that we put in pots, seedlings or bottles of water, root us much better without having to buy any chemical product and above all being able to save money and do it at home in a simple and fast way. How many times have we heard our elders say that together with a cutting, one or two lentils were always planted before to make it successful, because here is the explanation, it is all due to auxins, which are a key element to stimulate growth of the roots are very interesting phytohormones in this regard.

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If you have problems that the lentils do not germinate well, what you should do is keep them in the water for 8 hours and then remove that water and leave the lentils wet, and we save that water with which we will moisten the lentils every day until the last day, we will add that water and continue with the process.

The Rooting Agent lasts about 15 days and should be stored in the refrigerator or refrigerator.

I hope you like it and that you put it into practice, and above all that you tell me about your experiences with this rooting agent ...

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