How To Make Organic Ketchup in Just 2 Minutes

How To Make Organic Ketchup in Just 2 Minutes

One of the most popular condiments in America is ketchup, yet it's highly processed and loaded with trash. You'll discover that the majority of ketchup brands include high-fructose corn syrup if you visit the grocery store and choose any kind. View for yourself what the big brands do! Hunt's ketchup, Heinz, and the others In essence, HFCS is genetically modified sugar. It is produced as a sweetener from genetically altered corn.

It has a negative impact on your health by generating inflammation as well as other impacts, including obesity and various other problems. In fact, according to Dr. Mark Hyman, an FDA researcher, he was able to obtain a barrel of high fructose corn syrup from a new beverage firm after being unable to obtain one from maize producers. She discovered that the amount of mercury in HFCS is harmful. In any form, high-fructose corn syrup is not natural. You do not want to consume genetically modified corn or syrup that has been extracted using a highly processed method and also contains mercury. You will reconsider consuming high-fructose corn syrup after reading this.

Long story short high fructose corn syrup has no nutritional value and is more toxic than even I previously thought after doing more research. Not only that but the syrup causes blood sugar to spike high when consumed which is another reason to avoid it. In fact, 25% of ketchup is sugar and then add on top of that high fructose corn syrup which acts as sugar (but even more detrimental) in the human body and you’re basically spooning in sugar and mercury with your french fries.

There are organic, non-gmo, sugar free ketchups available on the market but they cost a bit more and you can make it at home with just 2 minutes of your time and ensure it’s the freshest and healthiest ketchup that you can make.


  • 1 cup organic tomato paste
  • 1 tbsp raw organic honey
  • 1 tbsp raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp mustard
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Optional: 1/4 tsp onion powder

Simply take all these ingredients and stir them into a bowl until they have the density of ketchup, add it to a glass jar and store in the fridge! use when needed.



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