How To Get Rid Of Painful Earaches And Ear Infections Naturally!

How To Get Rid Of Painful Earaches And Ear Infections Naturally!

Sharp, severe, dull, or piercing pain are all symptoms of ear infections. You may notice them right away, or you may find it difficult to figure out why your child is crying and pulling on his earlobe.

Since treating earaches is always unpleasant and painful, you frequently end up trying everything in the medicine cabinet, including antibiotics, to relieve the pain.

However, there are all-natural ways to treat earaches, so you don't even need to take antibiotics to relieve them.

The American Academy of Pediatrics' most recent guidelines state that treating an earache with painkillers is preferable to using antibiotics. Antibiotics can cause infections to become resistant to them, but most ear infections resolve on their own.

The most frequent causes of earaches are grinding of the teeth, tonsillitis, sinus infections, and cavities. An acute case of otitis media, or AOM, is the most common infection.

Infections and middle ear swellings are the symptoms.

The trapped fluid behind the eardrum is the source of the pain. The most typical symptoms include fever, earaches, mild hearing loss, and nausea. If a baby or small child is restless and pulls on their ear, you may be able to tell.


These are the top 10 natural remedies for earaches:

1. Onion

Onion is one of the most readily available home remedies for an earache. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties in onions work well in treating the problem.

  • Extract one tablespoon of onion juice from grated onions and heat it over low heat. Then put 2-3 drops of the juice into affected ear 2-3 times a day.
  • Crush a fresh onion and wrap it tightly in a piece of clean cloth. Hold the cloth over the infected ear for about 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the process several times a day.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

You should soak a cotton ball in it and add a few drops into the painful ear. This will dislodge the debris, and you can irrigate the area with warm water afterward.


3. Tea Tree Oil

The mild antibacterial properties present in tea tree oil can give instant relief from earache. To treat an ear infection, follow the steps below.

  1. Mix three drops of tea tree oil, two tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of colloidal silver and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Warm the mixture slightly.
  2. Lay on your side with your head on a towel. Using a dropper, fill your ear with the mixture and let it sit for five minutes. Then turn and lay on your other side so that the mixture drains out of your ear completely.
  3. Follow this remedy two to three times a day for two days.


4. Garlic

The potent antibiotic and analgesic properties of garlic can effectively soothe the ear infection. Add a teaspoon of minced garlic to 2 tablespoons of some oil and heat the mixture. Apply 2-3 drops in the painful ear.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

To get rid of the fungus that may be causing the ear infection, apple cider vinegar is a good option.

  1. Mix one part apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water or alcohol. Soak a cotton ball in the solution.
  2. Put the cotton ball in your ear like a plug and leave it for about five minutes.
  3. Remove the cotton ball and lay down on your opposite side to drain the liquid from the ear. Use a hair dryer to dry your ear as much as possible.

If apple cider vinegar is not available, you can use white vinegar. If the cause of the ear infection is in the Eustachian tubes, try gargling with apple cider vinegar.


6. Ginger

Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in treating ear infections. It is also an excellent natural painkiller.

  • Extract juice from fresh ginger and put it directly into the ears to get relief from pain and reduce inflammation.
  • You can also mix one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger root with two tablespoons of olive oil. Leave it to infuse for 5 to 10 minutes and then put a few drops of the oil in the aching ear.


7. Bishop’s Weed

Bishop’s weed, also known as ajwain is another effective natural cure for earaches as it has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

  • Mix one teaspoon of Bishop’s weed oil with three teaspoons of sesame oil and warm it slightly. Put a few drops of the oil mixture in the ear.
  • Heat two teaspoons of mustard oil and add one-half teaspoon of Bishop’s weed and a couple of garlic flakes. Heat the mixture until the garlic turns red. Filter it and put a few drops in your ear as ear drops


8. Heat

You can use hot water bubbles to treat an earache, or you can prepare heat packs and apply them to the ear. Place popcorn or rice in a small pouch or old sock, seal, and heat in shorts bursts. Then, hold the pack on the affected ear.


9. Basil

Due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic properties, basil is considered good for relieving earaches.

  1. Crush a few basil leaves and extract the juice.
  2. Put three or four drops of this juice in the aching ear.
  3. Repeat once or twice a day.


10. Olive Oil

Olive oil can provide fast relief from an earache. It serves as a lubricant and helps get rid of an infection in the ear. Olive oil can also be helpful in stopping buzzing sensations inside the ears.

  • Put 3-4 drops of lukewarm olive oil as ear drops into the ear canal.
  • Alternatively, you can dip a cotton bud in the oil and put it firmly into the ear.

You can also use mustard oil in the same way.


11.  Salt

Salt is probably the most readily available home remedy.

  1. Heat up one cup of salt on a pan over low heat for a few minutes. You can also heat it in a microwave or double-boiler.
  2. Place the hot salt on a cloth and seal the open end with rubber band (or tie a knot).
  3. When it is bearably hot, lay down and put the cloth on the affected ear for 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Repeat this remedy daily as many times as needed. The heat generated from the sock will help draw out fluid from the ear and relieve swelling and pain.

As an alternative, you can use one cup of rice in the same manner described above.

These remedies can help treat minor ear infections. If there is no improvement within a couple of days, seek medical attention.

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