Here Is How To Practice This Old Japanese Self-Relaxation Technique To Reduce Stress And Start Enjoying Your Life!

Here Is How To Practice This Old Japanese Self-Relaxation Technique To Reduce Stress And Start Enjoying Your Life!

Numerous emotional and physical disorders, including nausea, vomiting, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, stroke, heart attack, and a weakened immune system, as well as the onset of numerous serious diseases, have been strongly linked to chronic stress, according to studies.

Unfortunately, stress is a regular part of modern life, which increases the risk of many illnesses. In order to manage stress and prevent further issues, you must do so.

With the aid of various techniques like meditation, yoga, exercise, music, and massage, you can successfully reduce stress. We'll recommend a self-relaxation method that dates back to ancient Japan and has amazing results. It won't require more than five minutes of your time, and you can practice it anywhere.


It is believed that each finger is linked to a different feeling or emotion, as follows:

  • The Thumb can help you treat worry and anxiety.
  • The Index finger will aid in overcoming fears.
  • The Middle finger regulates feelings of bitterness and rage.
  • The Ring finger treats depression and melancholy.
  • The Little finger manages stress, supports optimism, and boosts self-esteem.


This is what to Do:

The goal of this technique is to create a balance of all the opposing energy forces in the body. You should grasp one finger at a time, and wrap the next finger around it. You should hold every finger for one to two fingers until you feel the pulse.


If you gently press the center of the palm with the thumb of the other hand and hold for a minute, you can bring yourself into a deeper state of relaxation.


This technique will help you relax, balance your spirit, and manage stress. The following video will provide additional information that will help you practice this technique right:



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