9 Habits You Need To Adopt TODAY To Stop Dementia or Alzheimer’s Before It Starts

9 Habits You Need To Adopt TODAY To Stop Dementia or Alzheimer’s Before It Starts

The term "dementia" is used to refer to a wide range of diseases, including memory loss and other cognitive problems that significantly interfere with day-to-day functioning.

Vascular dementia, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease are just a few of the different manifestations that it might take. Alzheimer's disease, which affects 60 to 80 percent of people, is the most prevalent kind.

If the problem's root cause is not addressed, dementia progresses. The most typical signs of this condition include apathy, despair, and trouble recalling recent conversations, events, and names.

Some dementia risk factors can be controlled, such as:

  • Head injuries
  • Impaired thyroid function
  • Low physical activity
  • Poor diet and vitamin deficiencies
  • Use of medication that contributes to dementia
  • Cardiovascular risks such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes
  • Alcohol use
  • Smoking


We recommend 9 ways to lower the risk of dementia:

1. Quit Smoking

Smoking causes a great damage to the body, including the brain. According to studies, daily smokers are at a 45% higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s in comparison to non-smokers and ex-smokers. Hence, we strongly advise you to quit this detrimental habit. 


2. Be Physically Active

To strengthen the vascular system, you should boost the blood flow and the heart pumping. Therefore, exercise regularly to prevent numerous chronic health concerns, at least half an hour a day. 


3. Vitamin B

B vitamins reduce the levels of a molecule known as homocysteine or HC, which damages the vascular system. When in high levels, it raises the risk of strokes, heart diseases, and other vascular problems. Therefore, increase the intake of B complex vitamins to prevent age-related cognitive decline. 


4. Vitamin D

Researchers have found a link between the reduced levels of vitamin D and cognitive decline, causing dementia symptoms. Therefore, the use of vitamin D supplements prevents processes that contribute to dementia and Alzheimer’s.

The sun is the best source of this vitamin, but you can also use supplements, especially in the winter, when the sun exposure is reduced.


5. Social interaction

You can successfully avoid the detrimental effects of isolation by regularly interacting with others. You can take a walk in nature with a friend, or at least talk to a few friends or relatives on a regular basis to prevent severe health issues.


6. Challenge Your Brain

Researchers have found that the onset of dementia symptoms is delayed by 5 years by being bilingual, in comparison to elder people who speak only one language.

They state that the brain benefits a lot if you challenge it. Experts have also found that doing crossword puzzles often delays the onset of memory decline by 2.5 years. 


7. Prevent Head Injuries

If you are riding a bike, you should wear a helmet, or in the case of water or winter sports, always protect your head in order to prevent head injuries and brain damage. 


8. Control Your Alcohol Intake

The excessive alcohol use raises the risk of dementia, so you should control it in order to prevent various health issues, including dementia. 


9. Track Your Numbers

You should always keep a track of the values of your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Ones of the main predictors of dementia are cardiovascular and metabolic health, so you need to have a healthy body in order to have a healthy mind.

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