7 Things You Need To Know About Kale

7 Things You Need To Know About Kale

What is Kale?

One of the world's oldest vegetables is kale. In actuality, kale has been consumed by humans for thousands of years. Although kale has always been a favored food of health-conscious individuals, the vegetable's appeal has waned over the past century. When the popular cartoon television program "Popeye" made spinach popular, kale was a relatively unknown vegetable. In actuality, kale is regaining popularity and is significantly more nutrient-dense and good for the human body. In order to be strong, Popeye consumed spinach; the Incredible Hulk consumed kale.


Facts about Kale

Why is kale a superior vegetable? Why consume kale? There are a number of reasons why kale is extremely healthy to eat, and after reading the reasons below, you'll probably want to include this fantastic vegetable in all of your meals. Your body will eventually appreciate you if you decide to do this. Here is our list of the top 7 things you should know about kale without further ado.

 7 Things You Need To Know About Kale

All About Kale

(Benefits of Kale)

1. Kale Is One of the Most Nutrient Dense Foods on Earth.

The percentage of healthy vitamins found in kale is incredible. For example, a serving of kale can provide nearly 700 percent of the daily requirements of vitamin K. The vitamin C and vitamin A daily requirements are almost doubled from one serving of kale as well. Furthermore, high levels of iron, fiber, and protein are also found in only one serving of kale.


2. Kale Is Rich in Antioxidants.

Not only does kale provide incredible amounts of vitamins and nutrients, but the vegetable is also rich in antioxidants. Several clinical studies have proven that kale can significantly decrease the level of inflammation found in the human body. Furthermore, eating kale can also increase the productivity of the liver’s detoxification system. Believe it or not, scientists have discovered that kale can actually protect damaged brain cells.


3. Kale Is Also Very High in Calcium.

Believe it or not, one serving of kale can provide the same amount of calcium as an entire standard carton of milk. Many people have a hard time digesting milk and milk is often highly processed and not as healthy as you might think. A serving of kale each day is a great way to cut down on milk consumption.


4. Kale Cannot Be Consumed by Everyone.

While kale is one of the most healthy and nutrient dense foods in the world, it cannot be eaten by everyone. People who take blood thinners can have negative results from consuming kale while taking their medicine. The high levels of vitamin K contained in kale can cause problems. If you are taking a blood thinner, you should consult your doctor before consuming kale. Likewise, there are also some people can actually be allergic to kale, and they should definitely avoid eating the vegetable as well.


5. Kale Is Not the Only Answer.

Kale is definitely one of the best vegetables that we can eat. However, replacing all other vegetables with kale is a bad idea. Instead, kale should be eaten alongside other healthy greens and colorful vegetables. Rather than eating just kale, a better idea would be to consume more plants and vegetables all together.


6. Eating Kale Is Not a New Fad.

Even though it is suddenly becoming more popular to eat kale, as mentioned before, kale is an ancient vegetable. In fact, it’s well documented that kale was consumed in several European nations nearly a thousand years ago. Even though kale has a rich history, some people believe that the increased popularity of kale is just a fad. However, that idea is simply ignorant. The truth is that kale is an amazingly healthy vegetable and will surely be around for thousands of years in the future. The consumption of kale has definitely increased lately, but it’s only because people have recently rediscovered the health benefits of kale.


7. Kale Is a Superfood.

There is simply not another vegetable like kale. The massive amount of vitamins and nutrients found in kale should be enough to persuade you into adding it to your diet. However, aside from being incredibly nutrient dense, kale is also extremely versatile an tasty. In fact, it may be the only vegetable that you can blend into a shake, sauté, boil, roast or eat raw. It should also be noted that kale is also extremely cheap (even when purchased organic which is the best form of kale to buy) and it’s also very easy to grow.

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