6 Ways To Get Rid Of Calluses On Feet Fast

6 Ways To Get Rid Of Calluses On Feet Fast

A callus is an area of thicker, dry skin that has thickened as a result of friction, repeated pressure, or other irritation. Calluses are mostly found on feet due to frequent walking, as repeated contact is necessary for them to form. Although calluses are usually harmless, they can occasionally result in other problems like infections or skin ulcers. Calluses on your feet are easily removed by natural means.

You can use things that you already have in your home, and the process is very easy. On the other hand, you should never attempt to cut or slice calluses off. Infection is a possible outcome. Callus can be removed in a variety of less invasive and painful ways.

6 Ways to Remove Calluses Naturally:

The process of removing callus involves three steps: soaking, rubbing and drying. Let’s have a close look at some alternatives to each one of them. You can easily alternate between each of them to find the best one according to your needs.


1. Soaking

a.)  You should soak your feet in chamomile tea for about 20 minutes. This will soften the hardened skin. Don’t worry if your skin gets stained because you can easily remove them later with water and some soap.

b.) Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to some warm water and soak your affected area. This will surely help in dissolving the dead skin and begin the healing process. You can soak for about 30 minutes to remove calluses from feet.

c.) Soak the callus in lukewarm water with some Epsom salt. The warm water will soften your skin, and the salts will help scrub the callus or corn away.

d.) Soak a small bread slice in some apple cider vinegar for about 12 hours to form a paste. Before going to bed put this paste on your callus and firmly secure it with the help of a bandage. Wrap it in a plastic sack and leave it on overnight. You can remove it in the morning.


2. Scrubbing

a.) Use a pumice stone or foot pile to rub your calluses away. Always use a file for removing calluses from feet after you’ve soaked it for some time, or you can do this at the end of a shower. Rub your feet in vigorous, circular motion. If there’s a heavy buildup, rinse your feet often by dripping them back into the water. You should also rinse the pumice stone to get it wet again to remove the dead skin. Work until the skin turns pink for the best results.

b.) You can also get rid of callus by walking barefoot on sandy, wet beach.

3. Drying

Dry your affected area completely if you’re interested in getting rid of calluses on feet permanently. It is important that you don’t allow it to remain damp. You should always use towel to remove the moisture. You can sprinkle some cornstarch on the affected area. This will ensure that the area stays dry and will also ward off infections.


4. Olive Oil

You can apply some warm olive oil on the affected area. Wear cotton socks and leave it overnight to allow skin to soak most of the olive oil. Olive oil will soften your foot and reduce calluses.


5. Wheat Germ and Sesame Oil Mixture

Mix sesame oil and wheat germ. Warm the mixture a little and add some sesame seeds to this mixture. Let the oils cool down to room temperature. Now apply this mixture on calluses daily until your foot is completely healed.


6. Pineapple

Take a pineapple and peel its skin. Now cover the calluses with the peel of pineapple. You can secure the peel of pineapple using a medicated gauge or a duct tape. Change pineapple peel every alternate day. Pineapple peel is rich in enzymes that act on callus and dissolve dead skin tissues.

4 bonus tips:

  1. Take one onion slice and sprinkle few lemon juice drops, and some salt. Tape them to your callus overnight. Repeat this for about a week to remove callus easily.
  2. 3-4 raisins in half and put them on the affected area with cut facing the skin. Secure it with plaster overnight. Repeat this daily until your callus reduces or completely disappears.
  3. Make a mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice, one close of crushed garlic, and one teaspoon dried chamomile. Apply it on your callus once or twice daily until its gone.
  4. Crush 4 aspirin pills and add one teaspoon lemon juice and ¼ teaspoon of water to make a thick paste. You can apply it on your affected area with cover it using a plastic wrap. Let it sit for about 20 minutes. After rinsing it with water, rub the callus with a wet pumice stone.


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