43 Zero Carb Foods + Six Tips for Eating Zero Carb

43 Zero Carb Foods + Six Tips for Eating Zero Carb

We must all be aware that there are no zero-carb diets. In this post, we'll show you several foods and food groups that aren't entirely devoid of carbohydrates but are nevertheless regarded as having less than 1 gram of net carbs per serving, which is practically zero. Always make sure to read the food labels before you purchase them!

Even though none of the foods on the vegetable list naturally contain carbohydrates, each serving has between 0 and 1 g of net carbs. Unprocessed cuisine should consist of meat and seafood. Certain foods, like bacon, jerky, ham, burgers, etc., are likely to have had some carbohydrates added when they are processed.


  • Duck
  • Chicken
  • Veal
  • Lamb
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Pork rinds (this is an exception to the processed rule!)
  • Organ meats
  • Pork
  • Goose



  • Mollusks
  • Fish
  • Shellfish



  • Margarine
  • Heavy cream (very low carbs)
  • Most types of cheese
  • Eggs
  • Butter



  • Sunflower oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Olive oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Corn oil
  • Safflower oil


Vegetables (most of them contain between 0 and 1g net carb per serving):

  • Chicory family (endive, escarole, radicchio)
  • Cucumber
  • Leafy greens (lettuce, arugula, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, turnip greens, Bok Choy etc.)
  • Fresh herbs
  • Radish
  • Celery
  • Alfalfa sprouts



  • Salt
  • Mustard (avoid honey varieties)
  • Vinegar (NOT balsamic)
  • Regular (full fat) mayonnaise
  • Many types of hot sauce



  • Tea (no milk or sugar)
  • Water
  • Diet soda
  • Herbal tea
  • Drink mix powders (e.g. Crystal Light)
  • Coffee (no milk or sugar)


Here are some six tips about how you should eat zero carb food!

1) Make sure you eat foods which are only from animal origin like eggs, meat and dairy, because they don’t contain carbs.

2) Eat these products like eggs, dairy and meat until you’re full and make sure you stay full! That will help you not to crave for other things.

3) Make sure you eat enough fat, because it will keep you full and you’ll burst with energy!

4) You must avoid all sweets! Make sure not to eat any and decrease the craving!

5) When you’re thirsty drink water and not juices!Unsweetened tea, Seltzer waters, as well as unsweetened coffee are also in the group of zero-carb drinks.  The preference is individual, so make sure you choose whatever works the best for you. Water is the drink we all need the most, so make sure you drink plenty of it throughout the day. The best thing for everyone would be to drink water if you’re thirsty and stop when you’re not.

6) Eat when you feel hungry and don’t count calories! You must also stop eating when you’re not hungry!


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