18 Remedies to Remove Sebaceous Cyst Naturally at Home (Fast & Easy)

18 Remedies to Remove Sebaceous Cyst Naturally at Home (Fast & Easy)

Many people may wonder what a sebaceous cyst is and if it is cancerous. The truth is that a little lump filled with smelly, fatty material forms when the sebaceous glands become clogged. The home cures for sebaceous cyst removal are quite simple to apply and quite effective. In this post, let's examine this subject in more detail.

Sebaceous cysts can arise for a variety of reasons, and in order to successfully remove the cysts, it is crucial to identify these causes.

Some of the causes of sebaceous cyst are mentioned below:

  • Blocked sebaceous gland
  • Swollen hair follicle
  • Excessive exposure to sun
  • Skin trauma
  • Excessive Sebum production
  • Waxing and shaving
  • Acne Prone Skin

The harmless small lump is non-cancerous and is basically called sebaceous cyst.

Although this small lump may not pose any major health risk but it can be a cause of low self esteem for its unappealing appearance.

Here are some tried and tested easy home remedies which can be a big help in the process of sebaceous cyst removal:


1. Tea Tree Oil Remedy

Looking for remedies about how to get rid of sebaceous cyst then try this essential tea tree oil treatment. Tea Tree Oil contains anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are very beneficial for treating cysts.

Try this miraculous remedy with tea tree oil for getting rid of cysts instantly.

Things we need

  • Tea tree oil- 1 to 2 Drops
  • Cotton Ball- 1 Nos
  • Bandage aid- 1 Nos


  1. Firstly clean the affected area with soap and water thoroughly.
  2. Then take a cotton ball and saturate it with tea tree oil.
  3. Place the saturated cotton ball on the sebaceous cyst and secure it with a bandage.
  4. Leave on the application for 8 to 10 hours.
  5. Then discard the cotton ball and wash off the affected skin with lukewarm water.
  6. This process must be repeated once daily till you get rid of the cyst completely.


2. Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy

Apple cider vinegar is considered as one of the best sebaceous cyst treatment. Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid which kills the infection causing bacteria.

Opt for this easy and amazing home remedy to banish cysts faster.

Things we need

  • Apple cider vinegar- 1 tsp
  • Cotton Ball- 1 Nos
  • Bandage- 1 Nos
  • Clean Wash Cloth


  1. Firstly take a cotton ball and saturate it with apple cider vinegar.
  2. Gently squeeze out the excess vinegar and place it over the cyst.
  3. Secure the cotton ball with bandage.
  4. Leave on the application for overnight.
  5. The next day remove the bandage and repeat the process again.
  6. This process must be repeated daily once until a hard layer of the cyst is formed.
  7. Later gently remove the hard layer of the skin and drain out the accumulated dirt content from the cyst by using a dry wash cloth.
  8. Then cover the skin again with a clean bandage.
  9. Leave on the bandage for 2 to 3 days.
  10. After 2 to 3 days you can see the new skin starts to grow and the sebaceous cyst is completely disappeared.


3. Baking Soda Remedy

Looking to treat the infected sebaceous cyst at home? Then reach out for this amazing home remedy using the common ingredient in the kitchen Baking Soda.

Baking Soda is a highly beneficial ingredient for providing relief from inflammation and swelling caused by the infected cyst.

Baking soda is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which makes it an excellent ingredient for the sebaceous cyst removal treatment.

Opt for this simple one ingredient remedy to cure cyst instantly.

Things we need

  • Baking Soda- ½ tsp
  • Water- 3 to 4 Drops


  1. Take a small bowl and add in baking soda.
  2. Then add in water into the baking soda and mix it well to form a smooth paste.
  3. Apply this baking soda paste on the cyst directly.
  4. Allow the application to dry for 25 to 30 minutes.
  5. Then rinse off the affected area with lukewarm water and pat the skin dry.
  6. This process must be repeated thrice a day for 1 week which makes the sebaceous cyst dry out and heals the skin too.


4. Turmeric and Mint Leaves Remedy

Worried about the appearance of sebaceous cyst on face then choose this herbal remedy with turmeric and mint leaves.

Turmeric possesses anti-bacterial properties and is a natural skin healing agent which will also help in breaking down the cyst.

Mint juice reduces the oil secretion of the skin and even reduces the inflammation caused by cyst.

Opt for this wonderful remedy with turmeric and mint juice to get rid of sebaceous cysts.

Things we need

  • Turmeric Powder- ¼ tsp
  • Mint Leaves- 5 to 6 Nos
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Muslin Cloth


  1. Firstly take a mortar and pestle and add in the mint leaves.
  2. Grind the leaves well for 1 to 2 minutes.
  3. Then add the mint leaves paste on to a muslin cloth and extract the juice.
  4. Add turmeric powder to the freshly extracted mint leaves juice and mix well to form a thick paste.
  5. Apply this paste liberally on the sebaceous cyst.
  6. Allow the application to dry for 25 to 30 minutes.
  7. Then wash off the application with lukewarm water and pat the skin dry.
  8. This process must be repeated thrice a day for 4 to 5 days until the cyst shrinks and disappears completely.


5. Sandalwood Powder and Rose Water Remedy

Is the inflamed sebaceous cyst on head troubling you? Then try this soothing remedy with sandalwood powder and rose water for instant relief from the inflammation and as a natural cure for the cyst.

Sandalwood powder contains germicidal properties and antiseptic properties.

These properties help to restrict the growth of infection causing bacteria and this result in faster healing of the cyst.

Rose water is an excellent skin toner and provides cooling sensation to the inflamed skin.

Try this awesome remedy for an instant relief from the inflammation caused by cysts.

Things we need

  • Sandalwood powder- ½ tsp
  • Rose water- ½ tsp


  1. Take a small bowl and into this add in the sandalwood powder and rose water.
  2. Mix the two ingredients well to form a thick paste like consistency.
  3. Apply this paste on the sebaceous cysts and allow it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Later wash off the application with lukewarm water and pat the skin dry.
  5. This process must be repeated thrice a day for 1 week for getting rid of the cyst.


6. Potato Remedy

Sebaceous cysts are not just aesthetically unappealing but sometimes it can get painful too.

To treat these cysts potato is one of the most potent ingredients that make the cysts vanish faster.

Potatoes contain a high amount of vitamin C which is beneficial for removing the dead skin cells.

Try this one ingredient remedy with staple potatoes for removing sebaceous cysts naturally.

Things we need

  • Potato- 1 Medium Nos
  • Bandage- As Required
  • Knife


  1. Take a medium sized potato and slice it into thin slices.
  2. Place this potato slice on the cyst and secure it with a bandage.
  3. Leave on this application overnight.
  4. The next day discard the potato slice and reapply a fresh potato slice.
  5. This process must be repeated once for a week for shrinking the cyst size and seeing noticeable difference in the sebaceous cyst.

7. Honey and Cinnamon Remedy

Looking for natural treatments to treat the sebaceous cyst on back? Then try this honey and cinnamon remedy to get rid of the cyst naturally.

Honey contains anti-microbial properties which heals the skin and destroys the cyst causing bacteria.

Cinnamon contains anti-bacterial and microdermabrasion properties for de-clogging the pores and treating the cause of cyst naturally.

Try this amazingly potent remedy with honey and cinnamon for curing cysts.

Things we need

  • Raw Honey- 3 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon Powder- 1 tsp


  1. Take a small bowl and add in the raw honey and cinnamon powder.
  2. Mix the ingredients well till it forms a smooth paste like consistency.
  3. Apply this mixture on the cyst liberally.
  4. Allow the application to dry for 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. Then rinse off the application with lukewarm water and pat the skin dry.
  6. This process must be repeated thrice a day for 1 week for naturally curing the sebaceous cyst on the back.


8. Castor Oil Remedy

Are you tired of the itching sensation and pain caused by sebaceous cyst? Then try this castor oil remedy to get rid of this skin concern.

Castor oil contains anti-bacterial chemical called ricin which effectively treats inflammation and the itching sensation caused by cysts.

Choose this miraculous remedy with castor oil for an immediate relief from the cysts.

Things we need

  • Castor Oil- 1 tsp
  • Wash cloth- As required
  • Hot Water Bottle- 1 Nos


  1. Firstly take a clean wash cloth.
  2. Then saturate it with castor oil.
  3. Later place the saturated wash cloth on the sebaceous cyst.
  4. Then apply warm compress with a hot water bottle on wash cloth for 5 to 8 minutes.
  5. The warm compress will heat the castor oil and will help the oil to work better on cyst.
  6. This process must be repeated twice a day for 3 to 4 days for shrinking the sebaceous cyst and curing it completely.

9. Aloe Vera Remedy

Is the infected sebaceous cyst causing discomfort and pain then opt for this simple aloe vera remedy.

Aloe vera contains potent anti-bacterial and pain relieving properties which provides relief from the discomfort caused by cysts.

Choose this amazingly beneficial aloe vera gel remedy to treat cysts faster.

Things we need

  • Aloe Vera Gel- 1 tsp


  1. Take 1 tsp of aloe vera gel and apply it directly on cyst.
  2. Massage the aloe vera gel in circular motions for 1 to 2 minutes so that the aloe vera can penetrate deeper into the skin.
  3. Later allow the application to dry naturally.
  4. This process must be repeated twice a day for 5 to 6 days to remove sebaceous cyst naturally.

10. Tea Bags Remedy

Want to get rid of the symptoms of sebaceous cysts then try this simple tea bag remedy. Tea contains potent anti-inflammatory properties which is very effective for treating the cysts.

Choose this natural tea remedy to make the cysts vanish faster.

Things we need

  • Tea Bag- 1 Nos
  • Warm Water- ½ Cup
  • Bandage- 1 Nos


  1. Firstly take ½ cup of warm water and soak in the tea bags in it.
  2. Allow the tea bag to soak in the warm water for 1 to 2 minutes.
  3. Then apply this soaked warm tea bag on the cyst.
  4. Later secure the tea bag with a bandage on the affected area.
  5. Allow the application to remain on the cyst for 8 to 10 minutes.
  6. Later remove the tea bag and discard the tea bag.
  7. This process must be repeated thrice a day for 1 week for treating the symptoms of sebaceous cysts


11. Epsom Salt Remedy

Want to clear out the annoying sebaceous cyst on face faster? Then opt for this quick and effective remedy with Epsom salt.

Epsom Salt is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which help to ease the pain and inflammation caused by cysts.

The potent anti-inflammatory agent of Epsom salt even helps to drain out the pus and dirt accumulated in the cyst easily.

Choose this inexpensive yet amazingly effective remedy with Epsom salt to remove sebaceous cyst naturally.

Things we need

  • Epsom Salt- 2 tsp
  • Water- ¼ Cup


  1. Firstly bring ¼ cup of water to a boil and then add in the Epsom salt.
  2. Then stir the water well till the Epsom salt is completely dissolved.
  3. Apply this Epsom salt solution on the cyst and allow it to dry.
  4. This solution must be applied 4 to 5 times a day to clean the sebaceous cyst and heal the skin quickly.

12. Cabbage Remedy

Want to get rid of sebaceous cysts faster then try this simple vegetable remedy using cabbage leaves.

Cabbage is an effective ingredient for healing the skin and clearing out the cysts faster.

Try this simple cabbage leaves remedy as it is loaded with amazing benefits to cure cysts quickly.

Things we need

  • Cabbage leaves- 1 to 2 Nos
  • Water- ½ Liter
  • Wash Cloth


  1. Firstly take a large vessel and add in ½ liter of water.
  2. Then bring the water to a boil and add in cabbage leaves.
  3. Continue to boil the water for 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. Then remove the water from heat and strain the cabbage leaves.
  5. Place this warm cabbage leaves over the cyst.
  6. Then cover the cabbage leaves with a clean wash cloth.
  7. Allow the application to remain on the cyst for 15 to 20 minutes.
  8. Then discard the cabbage and wash the affected area with plain water and pat the skin dry.
  9. This process must be repeated twice a day for removing the infected sebaceous cyst


13. Milk Thistle Tea Remedy

Looking for an effective cure for sebaceous cysts then try this effective herbal tea with milk thistle remedy for treating the internal cause of cyst.

Milk Thistle is a natural body cleanser which prevents the formation of toxins for avoiding the formation of cysts.

Milk thistle even contains bioflavonoid which is an excellent treatment for reducing inflammation and soreness caused by cysts.

Try this miraculous herbal tea remedy to treat the internal cause of occurrence of sebaceous cysts.

Things we need

  • Dried Milk Thistle- 1 tsp
  • Water- 1 Cup
  • Strainer


  1. Firstly bring 1 cup of water to a boil.
  2. Then add 1 tsp of dried milk thistle into the boiling water.
  3. Allow the water to boil for 2 to 3 minutes.
  4. Then cover the vessel and remove from heat.
  5. After 1 minute strain the milk thistle tea and discard the leaves.
  6. Then consume this milk thistle tea warm for best results.
  7. This tea must be consumed twice daily for 1 week to remove sebaceous cyst naturally.


14. Witch Hazel Remedy

Want to remove sebaceous cyst naturally without any surgical procedure then try this amazingly effective herb witch hazel remedy.

Witch hazel is popular for its potent astringent qualities.

This wonderful herb even contains tannins which is beneficial for controlling the excessive oil production of sebaceous glands.

Try this wonderful and inexpensive herbal remedy to treat cysts.

Things we need

  • Witch Hazel- 2 to 3 Drops


  1. Take a few drops of witch hazel on the finger tips and apply it on the cyst directly.
  2. Then applying little pressure massage the affected area in circular motions for 1 to 2 minutes.
  3. This process must be repeated once daily until the sebaceous cysts shrinks and is completely removed.


15. Lime Powder Remedy

Looking for a quick respite from the infected sebaceous cysts then opt for lime powder.

Lime powder contains concentrated form of citric acid which helps to break down the cyst formation.

Try this lime powder home remedy to clear out the sebaceous cyst quickly.

Things we need

  • Lime Powder- ½ tsp
  • Water- ½ tsp


  1. Firstly take a small bowl and add in the lime powder.
  2. Then add in water into the lime powder and mix well to form a smooth paste.
  3. Apply this paste directly on the cyst.
  4. Allow it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. This application might cause stinging sensation but it’s a quick remedy to treat cysts.
  6. Later wash off the application with plain water and pat the skin dry gently.
  7. If required apply rose water to soothe the stinging sensation.
  8. This process must be repeated once daily for breaking up the sebaceous cyst and drying it out naturally.


16. Garlic Paste Remedy

Want to remove the annoying sebaceous cyst on face quickly yet don’t want to undergo any expensive surgical procedure then try this garlic paste remedy.

Garlic is rich in antiseptic properties which destroys the infection causing cyst bacteria.

Choose this amazing garlic remedy to cure cyst easily.

Things we need

  • Garlic- 2 to 3 Cloves
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Bandage- As required


  1. Firstly peel the garlic cloves and add it into the mortar and pestle.
  2. Then grind the garlic cloves till it forms a smooth paste.
  3. Apply this freshly ground garlic cloves on the cyst.
  4. Later apply a bandage over the garlic paste.
  5. Allow the application to remain on the cyst for 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. Then wash off the garlic paste with plain water and pat dry the skin gently.
  7. This process must be repeated once daily for 4 to 5 days for treating sebaceous cysts.


17. Hot Compress

Hot compress is useful for several health issues, including sebaceous cyst. If you want to cure sebaceous cyst, practise hot compress method. Hot compression facilitates draining out pus or thick liquid from cyst.

Note- Be sure that you apply a medium hot compress on cyst. Too much heat will generate more infecting bacteria.


18. Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is actually 99% pure silver. Colloidal silver is an antibiotic herb, which reduces inflammation. It helps in stimulating lymphatic flow and stop infection. Colloidal silver is also known for improving the immune system and is effective for healing sebaceous cyst.

Preventive Tips to Sebaceous Cysts:

Along with following any of the above mentioned remedies paying attention to few important steps is necessary.

These steps will help in preventing and treating the sebaceous cysts effectively and faster.

Few Additional and Important Tips to Follow for the Prevention and Treatment of Cysts:

  • Maintain a healthy diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day for flushing out the toxins from the body.
  • Use soap and water to clean the affected area regularly to avoid flare up of cysts.
  • Exercise regularly as physical activities regulates the production of hormones which helps to prevent sebaceous cysts.
  • Use oil free skin care products.
  • Regularly sterilize the shaving blades and tools used for treating the skin issues.
  • Avoid scratching or squeezing the cyst harshly as it can lead to further infection.
  • It’s best to avoid over exposure to sun on the affected area.
  • Reduce the intake of oily and spicy foods for preventing the occurrence of sebaceous cyst.

These above mentioned home remedies for treating sebaceous cysts are amazing and highly effective for removing the cysts.

But if the issue prolongs then it’s best suggested to consult a specialist.

Instead of opting for expensive or painful treatments it’s always best to try out a few safe and simple home remedies.


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