15 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of and Still Not Gain Weight


15 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of and Still Not Gain Weight

You might be surprised to learn that even the most dedicated dieters can eat certain meals without any restrictions. In other words, there are foods that are low in calories yet high in fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer without running the risk of putting on weight.


There are 15 of these foods listed in this article! Of course, you still need to maintain a diet that is well-balanced and includes a variety of foods.


1. Popcorn

Plain popcorn, meaning popcorn without sugar or butter, can be eaten without limitations.  It is very low in calories, as long as eaten plain.  A cup of popcorn contains about 31 kcal only.


2. Eggplant

A portion of eggplant baked or grilled without oil contains as little as 24 kcal. Hence, you can indulge in this tasty veggie without limitations, too.


3. Celery

Did you know that celery stems are 95 percent water? This means that their diuretic properties help detoxify the body and stimulate a natural and healthy weight loss.


4. Algae

Algae, such as laminaria, are packed with iodine which maintains proper thyroid function. Therefore, they keep hormones within normal range and prevent you from gaining weight.


5. Melon and Watermelon

A slice of either melon or watermelon provides 60-70kcal only, which means that you can eat them all day long without fear.  These fruits are quite satiating and help flush out excess liquid from the body at the same time.


6. Oranges, Grapefruits, and Tangerines

While high fruit intake is not recommended for those who are trying to lose weight, citrus fruits are an exception.  They are packed with vitamin C, fiber, and flavonoids; improve digestion, and boost your liver health, too. In addition to these benefits, citrus fruits are quite satiating as well.


7. Cucumber

Cucumber is 96 percent water, which makes it inevitable veggie choice for anyone who is trying to lose weight.  As such, it combats swelling and helps you get slimmer naturally.


8. Beetroot

An average beetroot portion contains 40 kcal only! This veggie is packed with many nutrients, such as manganese. Thanks to its robust nutritional profile and various therapeutic properties, it helps regulate blood sugar, drive the muscles, and aid fat burning.


9. Zucchini

An average portion of zucchini is 42 kcal.  This veggie boosts intestinal function, regulates salt-water ration, and it can be also used to lower energy output of heavy meals.


10. Pineapple

This tasty fruit could be your best ally in the battle against excess pounds. Its bromelain content metabolizes proteins effectively and splits fats, too.


11. Apples and Plums

An apple contains about 50 kcal while a 100g serving of plums provides only 45 kcal.  Apples are very satiating and improve digestion, while plums are packed with potassium and vitamin C which keep the vessels and heart healthy.


12. Berries: Currant, Cranberry, Strawberry

Currant and cranberries are loaded with vitamin C, and currants also posses diuretic properties, thus help flush out excess water. Strawberries are quite nutritious and help maintain proper digestion and cardiovascular system.


13. Cabbage, Broccoli, and Cauliflower

An average portion of diced cabbage is only 7 kcal! You shouldn’t only eat cabbage and cauliflower, since their nutrients rival with iodine, but you can incorporate it a few times weekly.  All of these veggies are beneficial when it comes to losing weight.


14. Salad

Salad is packed with folic acid and it can be enjoyed without any limitations as one leaf of lettuce is only 3 kcal.


15. Eggs

Interestingly, eggs can be eaten at any time of the day at night, without the risk of gaining weight.  Needless to say, boiled eggs are far better than fried ones.

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