10 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat

10 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat


As the saying goes, "You are what you eat." This proverb's bodily manifestations are more prevalent than ever in today's environment of excessive cholesterol and trans fats.

Our busy lives have produced lazy customers. We rarely examine the product's ingredients before purchasing it at the store.

We simply purchase what is in style without giving our health a second thought. However, our nutrition directly affects our health and happiness.

According to the World Health Organization, the majority of the world’s population lives in nations where excessive weight gain is a bigger killer than malnourishment.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States.

An unhealthy diet is the window to obesity and chronic heart disease. When planning a healthy diet, there are certain foods that we must avoid at all costs to begin transitioning toward better health.


Here are the top 10 foods you should never, ever eat.

1. Margarine

Margarine, which is made from vegetable oils, has less saturated fat than conventional butter. People view it as the healthier option because of this.

Margarine, or simply trans fats, are abundant in trans fatty acids (TFAs). TFAs are fats that form during the solidification of goods made from vegetable oils.

Our diet's TFAs help to cause clogged arteries, which reduce the amount of oxygen-rich blood that reaches the heart and result in heart attacks.

A 2011 study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry noted that mice fed a high trans-fat diet for 24 weeks showed plaque buildup in the arteries.

Researchers concluded that trans fats inhibit the activity of a vital protein that regulates cell renewal and strengthens the heart’s immunity against disease.


2. Processed Meats

We know you don’t want to hear this, but studies show that people who indulge in a lot of processed meat (like ham, bacon and sausage) have a greater risk of premature death and developing conditions such as cancer and heart disease. One comprehensive study included data from 448,568 people in 10 European countries and concluded that those who ate the most processed meat were 44 percent more likely to die prematurely from any cause than those who ate little of it. High levels of consumption bumped up the risk of death from heart disease by 72 percent and cancer by 11 percent. Many studies concur. One study from Harvard found that those who ate processed meat on a regular basis were more likely to die over a 20- to 30-year period, compared with those who didn’t consume red meat regularly; the same study also found that substituting other healthy protein sources, such as fish, poultry, nuts or legumes was associated with a lower risk of death over the study period. We know beans aren’t exactly the same as salty, smoky meat … but if you want to work towards living a longer life, you may want to abandon the bacon.


3. Soft Drinks/Soda

A European study found that people who drank a 12-ounce sugar-sweetened soda daily were 18 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes over a 16-year period compared with those who did not consume soda. Previous studies in the United States found that daily soda consumption increased the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 25 percent.


4. Artificial Sweeteners

As more people look to lower the calories in their diets, artificial sweeteners are replacing natural sugar in many products.

However, recent research has shown that artificial sweeteners increase the risk of diabetes by raising blood sugar levels and negatively affect the body’s immune system.

A 2014 study published in the Nature journal states that the body does not digest artificial sugar, which then goes to the intestine and is absorbed by intestinal bacteria, altering their behavior.

According to results, this causes rapid weight gain. It also prevents sugar breakdown, significantly accelerating the risk of diabetes.

In addition, although artificial sweeteners are sweeter than sugar, they tend to increase sugar cravings and sugar dependence because there is a strong correlation between repeated intake of a flavor and preferred intensity for that flavor.


5. Deep-Fried Foods

Deep-fried foods like French fries, potato chips, onion rings, fried chicken and breaded cutlets are exceptionally delicious, but also exceptionally unhealthy.

Oil contains fat, and in order to deep-fry food, you need lots of it. Deep-frying is also a slow process, allowing foods to absorb a lot of the fat.

Eating these fat-laden foods on a regular basis increases cholesterol and clogs arteries. This leads to heart problems. A 2015 study published in the Journal of American Heart Association showed a positive association between fried food intake and heart failure.

Also, a 2014 study published in the American Society for Nutrition journal showed that frequent fried-food consumption was significantly associated with risk of developing incident Type 2 diabetes or coronary artery disease.

Furthermore, carbohydrate-rich foods like potatoes, when fried at high temperatures, produce acrylamide – a substance that increases the risk of cancer.


6. Microwave Popcorn

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has stated that microwave popcorn bags are lined with certain chemicals (PFOA) to keep the grease from leaking out. When these bags are microwaved, the chemicals leak into the popcorn.

A 2009 study published in Human Reproduction substantiates that these chemicals increase the risk of infertility.

A 2010 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found that consumption of PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) chemicals might cause thyroid disorders. If left untreated, thyroid disorders pose the risk of turning into thyroid cancer.

Other studies in the U.S. have also proven exposure to PFOA chemicals is a major cause of breast, kidney and testicular cancer. These chemicals also increase cholesterol levels and, consequently, the risk of chronic heart disease.


7. Canned Foods

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a compound found in canned food linings that leaks into the food and, upon consumption, causes myriad health problems.

It interferes with the hormone and gene regulation system of the body and is linked with problems like early puberty, obesity and cancers.

A 2013 study published in Human Reproduction noted that BPA consumed through food led to egg mutations in women, leading to difficulties conceiving a child. BPA may even promote breast cancer growth.

In addition, a 2013 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found a direct correlation between BPA levels found in children’s urine and childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is one the leading causes of heart disease in adulthood.


8. Instant Noodles

Instant noodles are laden with artificial flavors, preservatives, seasonings and colors. It contains minimal nutrition with high levels of calories, fat and sodium. When consumed, we end up absorbing the harmful preservatives and additives.

In a 2014 study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers in Korea studied the dietary habits of 10,711 adults.

Results showed that women who consumed noodles 2 or 3 times a week reported an increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome which is characterized by elevated blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and abdominal fat.

All these conditions combine to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Regular high sodium consumption can also cause heart and kidney disease.


9. White Bread

White bread is made from white flour. A wheat kernel comprises two parts – the germ and the bran – that contain all the nutrients.

When white flour is manufactured, the germ and bran are removed. Therefore, white flour is stripped of nutrients, and all that remains is the starch.

Starch increases the blood sugar level in your body, raising the risk of diabetes. The excess blood sugar also carries the risk of converting into fat and being stored away in the body. Gradually, this increases the risk of excessive weight gain.

Since white starches pack no nutritional value, and the sugar is quickly digested, we also tend to feel hungry sooner after eating. This, unwittingly, can lead to a spike in our daily caloric intake.


10. Soy Protein

Almost all of the soybeans cultivated in the U.S. are genetically engineered and sprayed with an herbicide called glyphosate for protection from weeds.

Processed oil and protein from soybeans is found in myriad food products and are popularly consumed. So, the herbicide is consumed along with it.

According a 2010 report submitted to the US Environment Protection Agency and the European Food Safety Authority, exposure to glyphosate sprays in Argentina used in soybean cultivation resulted in a significant increase in pregnancy complications, neural deformities, miscarriages, birth defects and cancer.

Since soy protein re so widely added to a variety of foods, it is important to read the label before purchasing anything.




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