10 Conditions Magnesium Can Relieve And The Top 5 Herbal Sources

10 Conditions Magnesium Can Relieve And The Top 5 Herbal Sources

It appears that when we experience health problems brought on by nutrient deficiencies, we fully understand how important those nutrients are.

Despite the fact that magnesium is essential for maintaining life and ensuring the health of all body organs, many people are deficient in it.

It controls the levels of other nutrients that the body needs and aids in the production of energy and enzymes. Proper magnesium intake has an impact on bone and tooth health as well. Consequently, it is advisable for us to regularly eat foods high in magnesium.

The deficiency of this metal leads to:

  • High blood sugar
  • Low calcium and potassium levels
  • Irregular or rapid heartbeat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Trouble eating and unexplained weight loss
  • Anxiety
  • Lethargy
  • Impaired cognitive function and memory
  • Weakness
  • Muscle cramping
  • Tics and muscle spasms


The proper intake of magnesium might soothe or treat the following conditions:

Diabetes- Clinical studies have revealed that the increased intake of this mineral lowers the type 2 diabetes risk. Also, magnesium supplements regulate blood sugar levels and boost the sensitivity to insulin.


Hypertension or high blood pressure- The blood pressure is successfully normalized with the help of magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Therefore, regularly consume dairy products with a reduced content of fat.


Depression–magnesium deficiency leads to reduced serotonin levels, which is the happiness hormone. Studies have shown that magnesium is as effective as antidepressants in the treatment of depression.


Asthma- A study which involved children aged 11-19 and adults has shown that inadequate dietary magnesium intake is linked to asthma.  Magnesium, if inhaled through a nebulizer and given intravenously, soothes asthmatic attacks in both children and adults.


RSL or the restless leg syndrome–This syndrome is manifested by unpleasant feelings in the legs. Yet, studies showed that magnesium improves sleep in the RSL patients and alleviates cramps and pains.


Osteoporosis- Magnesium is essential for healthy bones, along with vitamin D and calcium. The proper intake of magnesium, combined with exercise and balanced diet will lower the risk of this disease.


Fibromyalgia, or chronic pain in the muscles and bones- It has been scientifically found that the combination of magnesium and malic acid for 2 months soothes the pain and sensitivity due to fibromyalgia. Magnesium supplements also help young cystic fibrosis patients by boosting the muscle stamina.


Arrhythmia and heart conditions-Magnesium is of high importance for the proper work of the heart, and it reduces the risk of developing serious heart conditions, such as coronary heart disease and cardiac arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat.


The magnesium intake for a year improved the survival rates of patients with congestive heart failure.

Colorectal cancer-The intake of magnesium reduces the risk of colorectal malignant growths.


Preeclampsia- The root cause of this pregnancy –induced condition is still unknown, but it is the main reason for the lethal outcomes in mothers and babies worldwide. Intravenously given magnesium is the best treatment for reducing high blood pressure due to preeclampsia.


On the other hand, there are numerous foods which can help you increase the magnesium levels in the body, such as cocoa, bananas, nuts, cruciferous vegetables, and whole grains. Furthermore, the following herbs are abundant in magnesium:


1. Thyme

Fresh thyme contains about 317 milligrams of magnesium per serving. This herb has a lemon-like flavor, making it ideal when you want to freshen something up or add a more unique flavor. This herb works well for a variety of foods, such as when you are making eggs, to punch up poached fish, to flavor your pasta sauce and to spice up your favorite chicken dish.

You can also use this herb when you are making different soups. In addition to magnesium, this herb is also rich in:

  • Vitamin C
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Fiber


2. Dill

Fresh dill contains about 357 milligrams of magnesium in a 200-calorie serving. This herb has a tangy flavor and it is popular in various types of cuisine, including German and Scandinavia. Many people like to combine it with cucumber and plain yogurt for a quick and healthy snack. Other options include using it on trout and salmon, cooking dill into eggs, using it to flavor sandwiches and adding this herb to green beans or potatoes to punch up their flavor.

Other nutrients that this herb is rich in include:

  • Manganese
  • Vitamin C


3. Basil

Fresh basil contains approximately 556 milligrams of magnesium in a 200-calorie serving. This is a very versatile herb that you can use to add a distinct flavor to many different dishes. Add it to your homemade pizzas, mix it in with your bread recipe and add it to any Italian sauces that you make. It also works well in salads, with cabbage or eggplant and when you are roasting nuts.

Basil is one of the healthiest herbs you can eat, containing a high amount of magnesium, as well as:

  • Vitamin K
  • Copper
  • Vitamin A
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Omega-3 fatty acids


4. Coriander

Fresh coriander contains about 498 milligrams of magnesium in a 200-calorie serving. This is one of the oldest herbs known to man, with its use dating back thousands of years. One of the most common uses for this herb is mixing it in with various broths and soups to add a characteristic flavor.

Other cooking options include adding it to your pancake mix and using it to sauté various vegetables. Other nutrient sources in this herb include:

  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C 


5. Spearmint

Fresh spearmint contains approximately 422 milligrams of magnesium in a 200-calorie serving. This fresh herb is used for a variety of baking and cooking applications. Many people also enjoy spearmint tea since it is fresh and energizing in the morning. You can add it to your fruit salads and make a quick lunch that incorporates a mixture of yogurt, fresh fruits and chopping up spearmint leaves. This herb also contains:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • B vitamins
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Manganese

Since almost every part of your body requires magnesium for optimal health, it is important that you are always getting enough. Getting magnesium from your diet is the best option and you can add these herbs to various dishes to boost your magnesium levels. Since low magnesium levels can cause a variety of health issues and discomforts, adding these herbs to your diet and increasing your magnesium levels will also contribute to better overall health.

Just make sure to talk to your doctor before you start using herbs to ensure safety.



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